A Knight's Tale - Chapter 62 - Grykon (2024)

Chapter Text

Selase flew quickly out over the forests and glided along the road on her way to take Allie back to Lord Walter's camp. Allie was preoccupied and nearly fell off of Selase's back as Selase's feet touched the ground as she ran on up into the camp. Allie jerked and her hands gripped the saddle horn a good bit harder as her arms tightened and her legs braced in the stirrups.

Sir Cabe smiled as he saw Allie was on Selase's back and he stood up as did Lord Walter. As Sir Cabe moved back to help Allie down Lord Walter stepped up to Selase and gently stroked her beak.

Lord Walter looked into her eyes. "I am sorry for my actions earlier. My concern over Raynold's health, while not an excuse, caused me to react as I did. You are a true friend and if I hurt your feelings I am especially sorry. I care for you greatly and I ask you to please forgive me."

Selase looked him in his eye before taking a step closer and laid her head on his shoulder and nuzzled against him. Walter smiled as he closed his eyes and raised a hand up to caress her neck.

Sir Cabe saw something in Allie's face and his brow furrowed. "What is Allie?"

She forced a smile and shook her head. "Maybe later."

Sir Cabe wanted to press the issue but she turned and walked over to get some supper. So he turned and joined her.

Walter looked at Selase. "If you'd like, you are welcome to spend the night with us."

Selase took a step back and began prancing about.

Walter smiled and then laughed as he turned to sit back down with Paige.

Selase moved over and laid down next to where Paige sat and put her head over onto Paige's lap and sighed as she listened at Paige's stomach.

Ralph looked at his Dad with a hopeful expression. "Can Selase take me for a short flight after I finish dinner Dad? Please?"

Walter looked at him. "We haven't discussed your reading of yesterday yet. And if I am not mistaken, tonight is your night to do the dishes isn't it?"

Ralph sighed as he lowered his head and nodded. "It is."

Walter looked at Paige and Selase as he considered the request. "I'll tell you what, if Selase wants to take you for a flight after you finish your dinner you may go for a half hour. When you return you will wash the dishes and I will dry them and we will discuss your reading as we do it, deal?"

Ralph looked up with a grin and nodded his head as he began eating quickly.

Paige smiled at Walter as she shook her head. As she began to open her mouth Walter leaned in. "I will spoil him if I want too."

Paige laughed and kissed him.

Raynold was feeling better, almost like normal, and quickly had Elizabeth get a couple of guards to carry a litter in order to bring Megan into the Keep while he found three rooms for their guests.

As he made his way down to the courtyard he saw Amanda walking his way. They both smiled. "Good evening Amanda, how are you this evening?"

Amanda stopped and ran her hand across his cheek. "I'm fine, Raynold. I came to see if." she paused as her brow furrowed. "What has happened to you?" She demanded.

Raynold nodded. "That can wait a moment, we have a very sick guest that I need to get to quarters first."

Amanda stared at him for a moment before she slowly nodded and walked with him. As they walked out of the Keep he saw Elizabeth of Caranth standing in the livery courtyard along with the family she had told them about. Louise and Sean stared at Amanda as Louise whispered. "Allie?"

Amanda looked at Raynold and back at Louise. "I am Amanda, Allie is my twin sister."

They slowly nodded.

Raynold smiled. "My apologies if I get your names wrong. But I am Raynold, I am our Lord's Seneschal. I've got rooms for you all, I'm just waiting on some litter bearers to bring." he looked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth smiled. "Megan."

Amanda stared at Megan and began walking over towards the wagon.

Raynold nodded. "Of course, to bring Megan into the Keep. Have you already had dinner?"

They all shook their heads.

Raynold nodded. "I'll have dinner brought up to your rooms after we get you to them."

Amanda reached out her hand and touched Megan's forehead and her eyes went white and then began glowing as her hair rose and she began speaking in the language of the Witch.

While she chanted, Elizabeth came out of the Keep with six guards. She looked at Raynold and at Amanda. "I didn't know she had powers."

Raynold shook his head. "I didn't either. But since she is Allie's twin I guess it stands to reason." He looked at the extra guards.

Elizabeth nodded. "I saw how many packs there were and I figured it was easier to get a few extra hands to carry them."

Raynold smiled. "Of course."

Slowly Amanda quit chanting and as her hair fell back around her shoulders her eyes turned normal and she hugged Megan. "I'm so sorry you are going through this my sweet child. You know what is going on with your body right?"

Megan gave her a sad smile as she nodded.

Amanda nodded. "Well if you need anything you have someone come get me, I'll do my best to help make you comfortable."

"Thank you Amanda." Megan told her.

As Amanda turned she looked at Louise and she frowned. "Forgive me Louise. But you have a great sorrow about you. One which transcends what is happening with Megan."

Louise's eyes teared up as she nodded.

Megan spoke up. "Today would have been my little brother's birthday. We lost him a number of years ago. It is especially hard on Mother."

Amanda nodded solemnly and stepped in and hugged Louise.

Megan looked at her Mother as the guards began to carry her into the Keep. "I'm thirty four years old. Why do people keep calling me sweet child?"

Louise smiled as she shook her head.

The night was quiet, most of their watch had passed quietly when Allie stood up and walked over by the horses. She looked back at Cabe and gestured and he sat down his coffee cup before he stood and walked over to her. Allie looked into his eyes. "How much do you know about our Lord's family?"

Cabe shrugged. "As much as anyone else I guess. They were killed when they were swept off the deck of a ship north of Los Angeles during a storm when he was nine years old."

Allie shook her head. "I don't think they were."

Cabe looked at her questioningly. "What do you mean?"

Allie nodded. "When I came out of the Keep, Selase was acting really excited around this woman in the courtyard. Elizabeth of Caranth introduced her as Louise."

Cabe nodded. "Louise was his mother's name."

"When I spoke to Selase in my language she told me she was our Lord's mother. She was positive of it. And when I examined her daughter I could feel a similar vibration from her as I feel from our Lord. And this Elizabeth of Caranth, she knew what Selase told me. And recommended we not distract our Lord with the information until after we are back at the Keep." Allie looked up in his eyes. "Do you think Elizabeth is right, should I keep this secret from him?"

Cabe thought it over for quite some time as Allie continued to look into his eyes. Finally he nodded. "I think you should keep it secret for now. If she is his mother, if they are his family, he's going to have a lot of concerns and questions. None of us will have the answers and out here that could do more harm than good for him as a Paladin, it could shake his faith. But perhaps in her presence it would temper that reaction."

Allie nodded as she stepped in and hugged him tightly. Cabe returned her hug as Selase watched from the fire with Ralph sleeping against her hip.

Sylvester woke Lord Walter for the last watch. He slowly moved out from under Paige and covered her back up and gently kissed her cheek before he got dressed and stepped out to take over so Sylvester, Kaylee and Happy could go to bed.

He looked at Happy after the others had left. "What is up my friend?"

Happy looked at him. "I didn't stand watch with Sylvester and Kaylee. I decided to stand watch with you since our Lady needs her sleep to recover."

Walter smiled as he shook his head. "That is very thoughtful of you. But you didn't have to do that."

Selase looked up at him and then moved her head to pull Ralph's blanket back over him before she laid her head back down on Ralph.

Lord Walter noticed throughout breakfast that Allie was a little quieter than normal and she hardly spoke with him at all. She hadn't even really looked at him as far as he could recall. He followed Paige into their tent to get their packs out to the wagon. He reached out and touched her shoulder and Paige smiled and turned around. Walter took her in his arms. "Has Allie said anything to you since she returned last night?"

Paige frowned. "Like what?"

Walter shrugged. "She was quieter than normal at breakfast and she barely spoke to me. I didn't know if I had done something wrong or not."

Paige shook her head as she frowned. "No. But you are right, she was a bit quieter than normal."

Walter nodded. "I better speak with her about it then."

Paige smiled as she kissed him.

As they finished loading the wagon Walter walked over to Ally as she climbed up on the buckboard. Walter cleared his throat. "Ally, have I done something to offend you?"

Allie turned as she sat down to face him. She forced a smile. "No my Lord. You haven't offended me."

Walter nodded. "You were rather quiet this morning and you haven't said much to me so I was concerned."

Allie's smile became genuine as she shook her head. "I promise you my Lord everything is fine."

Walter looked into her eyes for several moments before he nodded. He turned and walked over and grabbed Ralph and tickled him mercilessly for a moment. "Did you sleep well?" He asked as he hugged him.

Ralph nodded. "I did."

Walter smiled. "Would you like to do me a favor?"

Ralph nodded.

Walter looked back at Selase. "Selase."

Selase moved over to stand next to Lord Walter. He reached out and stroked her beak. "Would you mind taking Ralph back to the Keep and bring him back once he completes an errand for me?"

Selase stepped back and pranced about. Walter grinned and gave Ralph a note. "Give this to the cook and bring lunch back with you when she has prepared it."

Ralph grinned and hugged Walter before running over to climb up on Selase.

Selase turned and ran down the road and flew up into the sky as she extended her wings. She disappeared with Ralph as she flew over the trees.

Walter walked over and picked up Paige and kissed her.

Paige smiled. "And just where did you send our son off too?"

Walter smiled. "I'm in the mood for fish for lunch so I sent them to the Keep to get the cook to prepare it."

Paige smiled. "I hope you remembered something for Allie to eat."

Walter nodded as he put her up on her horse.

Paige caressed his cheek. "Did you talk with Allie?"

Walter looked back at the wagon. "I did. She said I had done nothing wrong but she is hiding something from me. I could detect it from her."

Paige frowned. "Give her some time then my Love."

Walter nodded.

As Lord Walter led them to a spot beside a mountain stream to stop for lunch they heard in the distance Selase's shrill shriek. Walter looked up with a smile and answered with his shrill whistle.

A few moments later they saw Selase swoop in with Ralph and circle them overhead. They could see she was carrying a large basket of some kind.

Lord Walter frowned, as lunch shouldn't have needed a basket that large. He looked at Paige. "I'll be right back, my Love."

He nudged his charger and she took off running down the road at top speed. Selase shrieked and dropped down as she came flying up from behind him, just over his head. Walter looked up as Selase passed over. He reached up and his hand grabbed the handle and she let go of the basket before she veered off and flew back towards the group and landed on the road as she ran on up to Paige.

As Ralph jumped down with a huge smile on his face Selase nuzzled against Paige's stomach. Paige laughed as she whispered. "If you aren't careful you are going to give it away to everyone else."

Walter rode back and handed the basket to Sir Cabe before he dismounted and walked over to Paige and smiled at Selase. He stroked her beak before he lifted Paige up and sat her on the ground.

Ralph leaped into Walter's arms after he sat his Mom on the ground. "Happy Birthday Dad." Ralph exclaimed.

Walter stiffened instinctively at the words. Most of the company inhaled sharply and Paige looked back at them before looking at Walter. "What's wrong, my Love?"

Walter shook his head. "Thank you Ralph." He placed him gently to the ground. Paige looked at him and then grabbed Walter's hand and walked away from everyone with him.

Allie looked at Cabe. "What is that all about?"

Cabe nodded as he told her quietly what it was about.

After they had moved a good bit away for privacy Paige stopped and looked at him. "If nothing is wrong, why didn't you mention today is your birthday?"

"Today isn't my birthday, yesterday was." he replied quietly.

Paige stared at him. "Why didn't anyone say anything? We could have celebrated it."

Walter shook his head. "I haven't celebrated it since I turned nine."

Tears welled up in Paige's eyes as she instantly remembered Walter telling her his family died when he was nine. "I'm sorry my Love, I know that must be painful. But you have your own family now and a little one on the way. You have friends who clearly love you." She hugged him tightly.

Walter nodded. "Perhaps next year my Love." He hugged her tightly.

As they separated Walter shrugged his shoulders. Squaring them up and began repeating over and over that he was a Paladin of Athena, Lord of Scorpion Keep. He scooped Paige up in his arms and carried her back to the group.

Sir Cabe and Allie had set out the food from the basket. One of the items they found was a chocolate birthday cake complete with Happy Birthday Lord Walter written on it inside as well.

"Not good." Happy said as she saw the cake.

Ralph looked at her puzzled. "Why is it not good? It looks like it is spelled right."

Happy smiled in spite of herself. "I'm sure the cake is fine Ralph."

Allie grabbed the cake and moved to place it out of sight in the wagon.

Walter smiled. "It is fine Allie, thank you though. It should be enjoyed by everyone who would like a piece."

Ralph walked up to Walter and frowned. "Is there something wrong about the cake?"

Walter shook his head. "It looks delicious." He sat Paige down.

Ralph continued to frown. "But I don't understand Dad. Why do you seem sad about it being your birthday?"

Sir Cabe, Happy and Sylvester all turned away and acted busy with something.

Paige bent down a little. "We can talk about it later Ralph. We'll just enjoy our lunch and the cake. Okay?"

Ralph seemed confused but nodded and Walter picked him up. "You see Ralph."

Paige stopped him. "I can explain it later my Love."

Walter smiled and shook his head. "It is okay my Love. If my son can ask the question then the least I can do is answer it. Ralph, when I was your age I lost my parents and sister during a storm at sea. The next nine years my life were not very nice. Because I was orphaned, I had no blood right and I dared to be Irish, everyone at Lord Weir's keep, sought to make my life hell. Every disgusting and horrible job there was, I was forced to complete. No one cared enough to make it any better and so when I finally completed my training as a Paladin and I was able to venture out and be on my own, I have refused to even acknowledge my birthday, let alone celebrate it."

Ralph wrapped his arms around Walter's neck and buried his head into his shoulder and cried. Walter smiled as he hugged him tightly to him. He cooed to him as Paige reached out and rubbed Ralph's back. Walter asked. "How would you like to lead the first happy birthday song to me in over 20 years?"

Ralph pulled back as he sniffed. "Really?"

Walter smiled. "Really."

Ralph wiped at his eyes and nodded.

Walter sat him down and they walked over to join with the others.

A Knight's Tale - Chapter 62 - Grykon (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.