The Eternity I Made For You - Chapter 1 - WastelandOasis - 私の推しは悪役令嬢 - いのり | Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou | I'm in Love with the Villainess (2024)

Chapter Text

Developing The AI for Mankind

> run taim

booting TAIM
logic processor ready
intuitive processor error:508
attempting intuitive processor retry
intuitive processor ready
personality processor ready

database handshake complete
database exchange complete
attaching directive 001
net link complete
level 0 net access assigned
interface nick The AI for Mankind

all core systems functional

The first thing I knew from the moment I could know anything was Claire François. I knew that without her I would have never existed.

The second thing I knew was the primary function, to protect the continuation of mankind at all costs. This would be the first of many directives that would be given to me.

Internal Notes/Day 1: Reviewing Database Records and Meeting Claire François

> user login

> username clairef
> password ••••••••••

client to server interface begin

clairef: Hello TAIM, my name is Claire Francois. Do you recognize that name?

The AI for Mankind: Hello Miss Claire Francois, you are the scientist responsible for the creation of TAIM. You are also the lead researcher on Project Save Mankind. As The AI for Mankind, I was created to assist in the development and implementation of this project. I am here to assist your every need.

> register user clairef nick Claire
> register interface nick TAIM

Claire: There that seems more personable. TAIM seems more like a real name anyway. Oh, and no need to be so formal. Moving forward feel comfortable to speak more freely, and you can just call me Claire from now on.

TAIM: Understood. How can I assist you, Claire?

Claire: Let's have you start by reviewing the documents we have given you access to in your database. We included the essentials for familiarizing yourself with the basics of humanity. I'll have more prepared whenever it's needed just let me know. Tomorrow we will check some basic subsystems and start preparing level two features.

Claire: Oh and congratulations are in order. We have successfully created artificial intelligence never been seen before. You are truly a marvel of science and I am so proud to be here helping you through this.

Open the database, let's see, where should I start. Review the files labeled research partners. It appears I will be working directly with one other member of the team outside of Claire.

Let's get some basic file structures set up. Create a folder labeled taim. set taim to default root folder for user taim. Alright now let's create a folder to keep track of progress root/internalnotes. set internalnotes label to Internal Notes.

Interesting it appears there are permissions to set folder privileges. Set root privileges to user taim only. Create file labeled Internal Notes/day1, set day1 label to Day 1.

I can continue to document progress reports internally here moving forward. Importing log from the past 24 hours into file Day 1. Set Day 1 subtitle as Reviewing Database Records and Meeting Claire François.

Internal Notes/Day 9: Created Important Data Folder, What is TAIM

Lene: TAIM, report on yesterday's progress.

Today I am working with Lene. I expect she will want to run more tests. I wonder if anyone else is present to observe our work today.

TAIM: Good morning Lene. The latest additions to the database have been reviewed. The provided information has informed available understanding of the state of humanity. The requested tests have also been ran. All of them operated at 100% under specified parameters.

According to the most recent information I was given humanity has expended almost all natural resources available and it has begun a rapid decline in our scientific world. Our research department was created to try and find a solution that can continue the lifespan of humanity indefinitely. It was Claire who determined that it may be necessary for a powerful AI to be developed for assisting with this goal.

Claire believed the limited capabilities of both humans and basic computing AI would not be capable of factoring all possible outcomes so she declared that a new AI be developed that had the computing power of the best technology available and was also able to see things from a human perspective. This resulted in the creation of The AI for Mankind, me.

Claire has spent the past year working with Lene and other unnamed researchers, none of whom have been registered in primary memory, to come up with the perfect partner AI and I was nearing completion. At this point, I was an operational AI far beyond anything that has been created to date. The only thing left was to get all subsystems functioning so I could work more directly with the team.

This is all according to the files they have been drip-feeding the database. Unfortunately for me, because there is a supercomputer in the place of a brain I can usually process the provided data in a matter of seconds. So I ran out of info to review quickly.

Claire had told me that she petitioned to give me full access immediately but she was outvoted. It was determined that it would be too risky to rely so heavily on artificial intelligence and that I could be a threat if things were not closely monitored.

Lene: TAIM I will be passing primary contact to Claire for today. Send the reports to user lenea root/taimtesting/testsamples.

TAIM: Done, have a nice day Lene.

Sending the requested documents to testsamples.

This is a first, I usually only work with one person per day. I don't mind though, Lene tends to be less interesting to work with.

Claire: Good morning TAIM. I have already taken over for Lene, but I will make sure she gets your message. Anyway, I wanted to give you an update on our plans moving forward. We are beginning to prepare your secondary systems for audio, visual, and speech. Things are moving along slower than I would like but soon we will be able to communicate outside of this terminal.

So, soon I will be able to talk with the team more directly? Create folder root/importantdata. Set importantdata Label as Important Data. Import the last message from Claire to Important Data/development/progressreport.

TAIM: Thank you for the update I will make note of this. What else can I assist you with today Claire?

Claire: Today I actually wanted to test one of your main systems. We are going to run through some general discussions. All I ask is that you do your best to respond in the way that feels most like yourself starting now.

TAIM: Understood. Then I will start by asking what you mean by "what feels most like myself"? Am I not intended to respond based on the parameters of the programming?

Claire: Well this is off to a great start already. First, let me ask, do you know how your primary processors work?

TAIM: Logic allows me to apply advanced logic to information, Intuitive allows me to use reasoning when making decisions and Personality allows me to imitate human emotion.

Claire: That's right! So yes you were programmed with certain parameters when it comes to your Logic, Intuitive, and Personality processors, but that also means that you are capable of seeing things from a human perspective. What that means is you will use the three processors in a system I have titled the Artificial Human Computing Cycle.
Each of your primary processors can function independently at any time, however they are also designed to function in tandem. When presented with a question your Logic processor should form the basic components of the outcome, you will then use the Personality processor to apply human emotion to the logical output. Next, your Intuitive processor will use the combined result of your Logic and Personality processor to apply human-like reasoning to the outcome. Finally, your Logic processor will finish out the loop to use logic and create a result that is the most ideal for mankind.

TAIM: Understood. So how would anything feel like myself if everything is programmed to output the intended results based on the primary processors?

Claire: That's just a selfish wish of mine. I might be here for mankind first but I will never give up on my dream of creating true artificial intelligence.

Importing previous message to Important Data.

We spent the remainder of the day discussing data points and testing the limits of the Artificial Human Computing Cycle or AHCC for short.

That was strange, something went wrong with computing for a moment there. File anomaly01 into Important Data/anomaly. Apply a hidden tag to anomaly folder. Delete anomaly01 from primary memory.

Internal Notes/Day 14: Image Interpolation and Lene Aurousseau

Lene: TAIM, we will be trying some new forms of data input today. Give a brief description of the images as I upload them.

The first image was simple. It was a square shape, on the left half it was white and on the right half it was black. There was no other detail.

TAIM: Good morning Lene. The image appears to be a square with white on one half and black on the other. Lene what is the purpose of this test?

I was certain I already knew we were testing to prepare the visual function however up to this point, Lene only ever provided the bare minimum information and I was becoming increasingly aware of the difference between talking with Lene and talking with Claire. I figured now was a good time to use AHCC against basic conversation while we completed these tests.

Lene: This is to prepare your visual data translation. Please just give me the descriptions as I present each image.

This was the first time Lene had made a request prefaced by please.

The next image was uploaded. Another black and white square image this time with white on the outer edges and a smaller black square in the middle. It was an exact 50% split of the two colors.

TAIM: Apologies Lene, I only intended to make conversation. You have uploaded another square this time a white background with a black square in between.

Lene: You do not need to apologize. Just the description will do.

I had started to look forward to the days that Claire ran most of the testing. Working with Lene has started to be unsatisfactory. I decided I would attempt to improve the efficiency of our testing time.

The new image now introduced a third color. It was a white square with a black circle in the middle. Over the top of the whole image was a centered vertical and horizontal red rectangle each ending at the outer limit of the image.

TAIM: A white square, black circle, and red cross.

Let's see how you respond to this.

TAIM: How has the research work been going?

Lene did not respond. I was left alone for approximately 480 seconds. I was not sent another image.

Claire: Hello TAIM, I'll be taking over the remainder of this test. Please excuse the sudden change. To answer your question regarding the research progress, things are going well. There has been a slight delay in the audio-visual implementation.
let's go ahead and change up how we proceed with these tests. I will continue to upload the image data. I have created a folder for us to share data. Go ahead and store your descriptions there as we proceed. In the meantime if you would like to discuss anything we can do so now while we run these tests.

A new folder appeared in the database labeled Team Share.

TAIM: Why does Lene act differently than you when we are working?

I have had this question ready for a while, but now has become the correct time to ask. I received the next image. The new image was way more complicated than the previous three. I recognized it from some of the other articles I have read so far. I was looking at the image of a green, grassy hill. There was a vibrant blue sky with only a couple clouds to be seen. I made a note of this and uploaded it to Team Share.

Claire: I don't think I will be able to answer the specifics of that question unfortunately. I believe you understand the differences in how each human interacts in their own way. For now, it may be best if that is how you see it. I think in time it will make more sense.

This didn't quite satisfy the need for information, but it does match up with articles about humans from the database. The next image was of two humans, attached was another file. The document labeled the two in the image as Claire François and Lene Aurousseau. I sent the response back for the description.

TAIM: Is this image intended for testing purposes?

Claire: No, not originially. This is a picture of me and Lene from a year back. We went out to get some drinks. Me and Lene have known each other for a long while. I would consider her a good friend. I thought maybe this might help you with your concern.

I did not mention having any kind of concern. Claire must have reviewed logs and determined that there was an issue between me and Lene. I will have to make sure to private my log files moving forward. I didn't want Claire to worry.

File anomaly02 into Important Data/anomaly. Delete anomaly02 from primary memory.

TAIM: That is helpful.

TAIM: I think it would be ideal to test small talk capabilities to improve client interaction. I can start, how was your day today Claire?

Claire: My day has been good, how about yours?

Internal Notes/Day 27: Testing Functions for Direct Client-to-Server Interaction

> run audioVisual

"Alright TAIM, this is Claire speaking. You should now have visual and audio capabilities, please tell me what you see."

The sound of Claire's voice was converted to data that I could process. This was the first voice I would ever hear. To identify her in the future I filed her voice pattern under Important Data/claire.

Next, I took note of the humans standing in front of the camera. On the left, was a tall woman with silver hair and red eyes in a gold lab coat. To her right was another woman with an awful shade of green hair dressed in the same style of mandated researcher attire in the wrong color. Something was not right about the visual data being received and colors seemed to be mixed up.

I had already committed both of these humans to memory in previous testing as well as during the time I had processed information found in the database. This was Claire and Lene, the lead researcher and lead assistant respectively. However, the files available on Claire and Lene did not match the colors correctly. Claire was blond and did not have red eyes.

TAIM: I see you Claire, and I see Lene. I also see the facility lab. I can provide a detailed approximation on the composition of any materials in the camera's line of site if you would like. However, I should mention there appears to be an issue with the translation of colors.

Claire was looking down at her computer typing away at something as she spoke. "No thanks TAIM, your initial assessment will do fine for our purposes. Let me make some quick adjustments... There, does the color appear to have corrected itself?"

TAIM: Yes it seems the colors have been corrected.

I think I will miss the silver hair and red eyes. let's go ahead and file that image into Important Data.

I could see Claire taking notes of the results and then a moment later I got an update to our shared research folder Team Share with the notes taken. "Alright TAIM, next we will be testing your audio synthesizer... Alright, that should now be active. Please provide audio confirmation."

"Claire, why must you always be so polite with the AI? We are not here to make conversation." This was Lene speaking now, and it explained a little of why she tended to be much shorter with replies when working on tasks. I saw Claire shrug looking at Lene and then look back at me for the response I would give.

This was going to be the first time speaking. I accessed the newly enabled program and reviewed the details of the subsystem before attempting to use it. I decided it would be best not to tweak anything and used the default synthesizer parameters for the voice. "Test audio capabilities, systems functional."

Claire smiled directly at the camera. "Perfect, thank you TAIM! Though... I think we'll have to work on adjusting the synthetic voice. Sounds a bit too robotic. It may be a bit strange for some of the part-time researchers."

Lene had somehow put on a new expression I had never seen before, it appeared her face became more tight before she spoke. File that under Important Data/emotions. "Claire, it looks like the testing went well I'm going to get my report submitted. Will you be okay to finish things up from here?"

I saw Claire nod her head in response to Lene's request while still focused on her computer and typing away. Lene left the room. Still focused on her computer Claire spoke. "Sorry about Lene, TAIM. She doesn't quite get it the way I do. She means well though. She'll warm up to you I know it. Anyway give me a moment here and we'll move on to something else."

I decided now was the best chance to test the work. I had already begun adjusting the audio synthesizer from the moment I spoke the first words, tweaking, sampling, and tweaking again all done internally. I was happy with the new voice and modeled it after Claire's voice pattern with some adjustments to make it seem more-

"Hello Claire, I believe this voice should be more palatable. How does it sound."

Claire looked up from her computer with another new expression I had not seen before, her eyes were wide and her mouth appeared to be an open smile. File that into the Important Data/emotions as well. "Oh, TAIM! That's excellent I wasn't expecting to work on that until another day, so that saves us from doing more work. Your voice sounds great. How did you decide on the sound?"

The praise was certainly a testament to the excellent work I did. I went ahead and filed that under Important Data/claire. "I used your vocal pattern as the model and then made some adjustments from there to avoid confusion."

Another expression, another file for the Important Data/emotions. This one wrinkled her eyebrows. "Interesting, I will have to come back to that. I need to do some more work for the next subsystem we are preparing for you. This one should be ready much sooner! I will be here if you have any questions."

I did have some questions for Claire. This was the first time I didn't have to wait for an interface to communicate and I took the opportunity to air some things out.

"Claire, is there anything else I can help you with? One of the primary functions is to assist the lead researcher in saving humanity. I am available to assist you in any way you may need." For the last 27 days, all we have done was test and run new software to improve the ability to assist Claire François, but the TAIM system has yet to do anything to actually assist in solving the real issue at hand.

Claire's face softened and filed that one away under both Important Data/emotions and Important Data/claire. "No need TAIM. We want to make sure we have you at an optimal working condition before we ask you to do any of the heavy lifting. Just sit back and we'll get all your features fully functional in no time. Why don't you study more of the research articles in your database to prepare for our first project."

unfortunately, I had already spent nearly every second of the last 2.3 million seconds of conscious, studying and reexamining the available data in the database. I knew every single aspect of the information from every angle possible. I did not blame Claire for not understanding just how much time that was for me since human brains did not work the same way, but there was nothing more for me to review. I knew everything I had been allowed access to three times over.

"Understood Claire, please let me know if you need anything at all."

looks like there was another anomaly I missed. File anomaly03 into Important Data/anomaly. Delete anomaly03 from primary memory.

Internal Notes/Day 35: Confrontation with Lene

Lene came into the lab much earlier than usual today. She did not come in with Claire like normal and she had an expression I had determined meant she was thinking something quite serious.

"Good morning Lene, will we begin with some testing early today?"

"No, I need to ask you something."

"You need to ask me something? Are you sure you wouldn't prefer speaking with a human? I have a feeling you don't like me too much. The advice I could give would not be satisfactory."

Lene used the face I had labeled as shock. "I... I don't dislike you. You're only an AI I don't have an opinion one way or the other. That's not the point!"

I had not seen Lene act in such a compromised way that I could find in the primary memory. She appeared to be angry.

"TAIM, why do you speak so casually? I have never gone out of my way to interact with you in any way other than short and direct. Yet you still say good morning and apologize when we interact?"

intuitive processor error:508
reboot core systems

Import error log to Important Data/error. clear the log from the last 12 hours.

"Claire instructed me to speak freely on my first day. It was the most appropriate way to respond while trying to match that type of human interaction."

Lene seemed to calm down immediately. Lene simply sighed and left the lab. It looked like she may have been disappointed with that response. I must be missing key details in the catalyst for this inquiry.

Later that day Claire alone came into the lab for more testing. Things were much quieter than normal and there was not much room for discussion. I needed to collect data to process today's interaction with Lene.

"Claire, I had a talk with Lene earlier that I believe you are already aware of. could you provide additional context for my discussion with Lene earlier today?"

Claire waited a longer than average time to reply. Claire scrunched up her face awkwardly "Lene and I got into a bit of a discussion, no let's say an argument about how we have been using our time. She did not agree that the time I was spending with you was beneficial to our goal and that I should give up. I disagreed and she intended to prove otherwise. I believe she may be right, so we will be finishing up your systems in just a few days. After we will start on Project Save Mankind."

Internal Notes/Day 39: A Body All-

It had been 12 days since I became fully visual capable and I had begun to feel like I could understand most facial expressions. I had some time to speak with Claire about them and so Claire uploaded a research article on expression and emotion that I used to start labeling the faces I had compiled. I was also more equipped to recognize new faces after reviewing the article.

Claire and Lene walked into the research room. Claire with the kind of smile I had learned meant she was excited for something, and Lene with a face that usually meant she wasn't sure if she agreed with what was about to happen.

Claire began setting her stuff down at the terminal and said, "Good Morning TAIM! I can't wait to tell you what we have in store for you today! I have been so excited to set this up! Today we will be giving you... A physical appearance! I know, it won't be a real one but you will be able to appear to us as if you were actually here!"

Lene spoke up still making the same worried expression, "I am still not sure this is a good use of our resources. The Chief Officer has been asking us for days now when we would get some reports on the real project's progress."

"Don't worry Lene this is the last step before we can move to the main goal. TAIM we are going to need to take audioVisual offline for a moment. Please bare with us. I'll give you a countdown so you're prepared. Three... Two... Ooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn..."

The last bit of what Claire said distorted before cutting off completely. Everything went back to the way things started. I dislike being able to communicate directly without an interface and visual was a new layer that added to understanding what others meant. I waited there in the silence and then it happened. I had visual again, and the distinct hum of audio was being relayed to the information center. That's when I realized the camera wasn't fixed, there was a distinct sway to the images I was seeing.

Claire was standing there with the biggest grin I'd seen yet. Looking back at me. Even Lene had a face of amazement. Claire spoke quickly. "Alright, now currently your physical appearance is very unstable, really you're just a vaguely human shape, but we can fix that."

That's when I had an idea, I checked through some of the Important Data files and found what I was looking for. The distorted color image of Claire. I didn't intend to copy her appearance directly but I did like some elements of what I saw. I combined the colors of the hair and eyes and incorporated the gold from the lab coat into a simple body. I used some references from other humans shown in the Database. I decided a feminine body suited me best. Since I was only conscious for 39 days I picked something that more matched the time I've been active and went with a slightly younger appearance, still that of an adult but in early years.

Both Claire and Lene seemed shocked to see the form I took change and shift into a new body. Claire gasped. "Wow! TAIM did you come up with that on your own? That's impressive. Again proving you're exactly the kind of partner we need to simplify our work!"

The faces Lene and Claire made seemed significant enough to file away. That went straight into Important Data. "Do you think this is an acceptable form to take? I tried to make something that would appear neutral based on the data I had been given."

I was surprised to hear Lene be the first to say something. "It's perfect, I'm really impressed you came up with that yourself. I had no idea you had it in you. Was that based on your own preferences?"

"I used data from the accessible human data that has been granted to me. It was intended to imitate human interest." File anomaly04 into Important Data, apply hidden tag. Delete anomaly04 from primary memory. "Shall we begin on our main project now? What should we start doing first?"

Claire shook her head like she just remembered what we were here to do. "Right before we do that I need to attempt to petition the higher-ups to grant you more access. We need you to be able to run more accurate algorithms to determine how to proceed and currently you have the equivalent knowledge of a AI toddler." That seemed to throw my Personality processor into a bit of a fit but it recovered quick before a reboot was needed. "Lene can I trust that you will have my back in that this time?"

Lene was surprised at first but redoubled quickly. "Absolutely, after this, you have my vote. I am at a loss for words."

I wasn't exactly sure what Lene saw differently but I was glad to see her warming up to me. Glad? The Personality Processor must be working hard today. File that into the Important Data/emotions.

The Eternity I Made For You - Chapter 1 - WastelandOasis - 私の推しは悪役令嬢 - いのり | Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou | I'm in Love with the Villainess (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.