Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

1 2 3-1111 'Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Friday Morping, January 22, 1943 '(Section Two) Page Five -David Lawrence Issue Many Illegal Edicts, Federal Legislation Is Usurped WASHINGTON, in his citizen deal on the chin. they are lawful law and found are violated. As a matter ists scant authority handed punishments out be- to line meted citizens nowadays. Office Frugs the Price Administration thinks it. overnight can a ban on issue so-called "pleasure" arrest a citizen ration book.

Original is equivalent transportation ground the law. To mete vere punishment a penalty which edly the lawmaking prescribed. OPA There to is issue plenty or books but this can act capriciously suddenly decide "pleasure" driving make its own the term means. The principle agency impose less it is specified is well grooved. torney general of on June 21.

1934 ent administration executive order scribe penalties. ney general stated general provision in all prescribe such lations as may carry out the and by virtue of conferred by the cover the imposition alties. Penalties "The general attorney general. tions to carry into ticular statute does it the power to to assess penalties of the statute An executive officer regulations, alter All he can do is mode of proceeding what congress (Morrill vs. Jones.) purely the creatures lature.

They cannot judicial implication, expressly imposed of Health vs. ship Company ern Union vs. Health Department New York." It is obvious that oning applies also announced degree whereby net incomes and the surplus tained by the congress had law stipulating such ation. Executive The whole theory in America has made the laws and tita agencies those statutes. assumed that write into the tails but would enforcement body.

cently it never the executive dertake to or to derive statute virtually same thing as lation. In countries tary governments ada and Great tive agencies are countable for what cause if they err tation of an act of party in power can bffica because of administration ecutive legislative Jan. 21-(By David desire to co-operate with the 1 He is obeying government or that someone in authority for administering Lawrence) -The average war effort is taking a good edicts on theory that Washington has looked up the punishments is "regulations" Losses for fact, some there of ex- the Minor Felt CHICAGO, weak grain pits were cept rye, ing Trading overnight Price plating wheat, ton corn release held under After wheat May advanced cents. Dealings in all pits tional which was thraimathet uation. they had ceiling It was erting ment of prices were not was said, of loan on both Mills, wheat rived some serted, on scattered flour Corn wheat.

mand for fairly vanced purchases try were Traders indication etings would ings have grain. Ever were set, able shipping sent. Many feeding will restrict Announcement would be produced which is millers, The price expected grain men Oats were Traders reports of Canadian United Canada this country. Although rye advanced the close. news to beans which Range visions WHEAT.

May July Sept. 1.39⅞ CORNMay July CORNMay July Sept. Dec. OATS May July Sept. SOYBEANSMay July RYEMay July Sept.

LARDJan. CHICAGO CHICAGO, wheat. Corn No. 2. 98: No.

4. grade yellow Oats sample Barley Field seed Timothy fancy red top 23.50: sweet By Grain Jan. 21 (AP)--A A undertone prevailed in the today and minor losses recorded by all cereals exwhich rallied in late tradclose with fractional was influenced by an report that the Office of Administration was contemeither setting ceilings on similar to maximums placed last week, or asking for of quantities of that grain government Joan. dipping nearly a cent. finished lower, May Corn closed down, oats dropped rye and soybeans' lost were comparatively light as traders awaited addiword from Washington, not forthcoming while was in session, rewheat price ceiling sitWashington officials said "no comment" on the report.

reported the OPA was expressure upon the departagriculture to bring wheat under control. If ceilings placed on the grain, it wheat through loans the OPA A favored release hard and soft grain." bought 20,000 bushels of here and futures desupport, grain men asindications of a small. family and bakers' trade business. declined in sympathy with although the eastern decash corn was said to he active. Shipping sales adto 171,000 bushels while arrive from the counonly 75,000 bushels.

said they still had no of whether corn markexpand now that ceilbeen placed on that since OPA maximums it was explained, favorweather has been abtraders believe the high value of the commodity movement to terminals. that new ceilings placed on corn products under the dry process. estimated to affect 2,000 attracted little attention. of the cash grain is not to show much change, said. off with other grains.

said there have been many additional purchases of oats for shipment to the States, but imports from have been well absorbed in off early with wheat. quickly just before There was no immediate cause the upturn. Soydeclined on scattered selling disclosed a lack of support. exchanges on follows: grain and proOpen High Low Close 1.39-1.38% 1.39 1.381 1.38½ 1.39-1.38⅞ 1.39 1.38¾ 1.38 1.39⅞ 1.39¼ 1.39½ .98 981 .98 99 .57 .57 1.84½ 1.84½ 1.83 .78 .78 13.80 Jan. 21-(AP)-No cash yellow No.

3. 75-78: sample grade 82. No. 5, sample grade white 58. malting feed 72-82 nom.

hundredweight nominal: 4.75-5.00: alsike 19.00-24.00: 7.00-50: red clover 18.50- clover 7.00-9.00; alfalfa 29.50- New York Curb Stock And Bond Prices Xb-Ex-dividend. a-Also extra or extras. -Cash or Stock. -Declared or paid far this rear. 1-Payable in stock.

-Paid last sear. Accumulated -Payable In Canadian declared Funds. div. paid or this year. Sales In Hds.

High Low Close Alum Co Am 3 Am Cyan B. 39 Am Gas Light 18 23 131 133 133 Am Maracaibo Ark Nat Gas A 207 21 21 Atias Corp War 135 Baldwin Loco war Bliss (EW, 11 Breeze Corp Can Marconi Carrier Corp Cities Service 248 Cities Service pl 20 69 Creole Copper Pet Range 36 181 2.30 Eagle Pich Ld 91 6 Bond Sh El Bond Sh pf 25.50 507 Mot Ltd 33 Ford Glen Ald Coal 13 Gulf Oil 40 40 Hecla Min Holl Gold Humble Oil Lake Shore Min Lone Star Gas Molybdnum 1 51 Mt City Cop Nat Bellas Hess Niag Miles- Hud -P Pow CIO. Pantepec Oil Ven Pennroad Pioneer Gold 0d16 3 PitneyQuaker Oats .80 Avia 12 31 St Republic Regis Pap 17 Shat Denn 3 Sherwin-Wms so 1993 85 197 81 199 85 Singer Technicolor od45 Mfg Foil 30 Walker Min West Air Lines 63 6 Wright 21 CURB DOMESTIC BONDS: Sales In $1.000 High Ark 5s 56 13 1073 As Elec 53 37 Baldw 6s 50 50 11 55 90 1091 891 Cities Ser 5s 49 7 92 91 92 iCt Glen Aid Coal 4s 65 91 Inters Pow 6s 52 11 371 Nevada Cal 5s 56 971 971 Pen Cen 77 2 Safe Har 79 1124 So Cal Ed 3s 65. 10 1031 Stand 65 51 3 9 6914 Stand L. 6s 57 25 69 Starrett Corp 5s 50 25 Tex Tex El 5s 5s 36 1 108 10614 1081 STEELS, MOTORS LEAD MARKET FRACTION TO POINT Some Issues Advance As Much As Four New York Stock Prices Following are the closing quotations at 3 p.

m. Eastern Standard Time received over Associated Press-Arizona Republie leased wires: Rates of dividends shown after the stocks in the following table disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless wise noted special or extra alvidends not Included. Symbols: -Ex-rights. Cash or stock.

-Deciared or paid far this 1-Payable in stock. -Paid last year. in Canadian funds. Accumulated dividend pale declared this -Unit of 10 By BERNARD S. O'HARA NEW YORK, Jan.

21-(AP)-Un- Sales der the leadership of steels, motors Adams Hds. Exp 15 and other selected industrials, the Reduction 1a stock market turned around today Alaska Juneau and pushed up fractions to a point Al Chem Dye St 6a 2e 6 Allegheny Lud or so generally with isolated issues Allied Mills 1e jumping as much as 4. Ailied Allis-Ch Strs Mfg 1 -15g The last -minute comeback of yes- Am Airlines terday was extended moderately Am Bank Note at the opening in sluggish dealings. Can 3 then became more conti- Am Ch Car Fdy Buyers Cable 2 and activity quickened after Am For Pow midday. Closing prices were at or Am Hi of near best of the session.

Rails Am Home Prod 2.40 Am Locomotive and utilities were relatively narrow Am Fdy .80 although most were up small Am Metal 1a amounts. Am Pow Lt Am $6 pf The feeling that the list was in a Am $5 pr healthier condition as the result of 13 Tuesday's Am Roll Mill 1e 11 relapse, plus continued Am Safety Raz good war news, investment demand Am Smelt 2 3 and a slight revival of inflation psy- Snuff Co Am StI Fdrs 2 chology, appeared to bolster trends. Am Sugar Ref Some customers still held aloof, Am Sugar pt 7 however, on the idea that January Am Tel Tobacco Tel 9 25 markets usually have ended on a Am Tob 3 declining note. Am Wat Wks 14 The Associated Press average of Anaconda 49 Arm Ill 20 60 stocks was .4 of a point at Armstrong Cork 1.35e 2 42.7, thus canceling the drop of day Atch 45 before yesterday and equaning the Ati Coast Refining Line 2e 31 peak level since early October, Atlas Aviation Corp, 1941. Transfers totaled 810,270 15 shares against 518,340 the day be- fore.

Bald Loco ct 1e 9 Balt Ohio 10 At new tops for better than a Barnsdall Oil .60 18 year were General Motors, Chrys- Bell Bendix Airc Aviat 2e ler, Montgomery Ward, J. I. Case, Best Foods .60 International Nickel, Zenith Radio Beth Steel 6 and Pepsi-Cola. Blaw-Knox Prominent on the move were Boeing Borden Airplane 1e Co 1.40e Steel, Bethlehem, Kennecott, Borg Warner 1.60 American Smelting, Goodyear, Bridgeport Brass 1 20 Briggs Mfg 2 Sears Roebuck, Douglas Aircraft, Sperry, Eastern Airlines, Eastman Budd Mfg Kodak, Allied Chemical, Owens-11- Budd Burr Add Wheel 1e 10 Mach .60 linois, J. C.

Penney, Du Pont, Westinghouse, Air Reduction, Santa Fe, Calif Great Northern, Patino Mines, Calumet Packing Hec shine Mining, Lima Locomotive, Campbell Wyant American Car and Foundry, Radio Can Dry Pacific Ale .60 18 Canad Corporation American Metals. Case (J Co 7e American Telephone was an ex- Caterpil Tractor 2 Celanese Corp 2 ception, losing in the wake Cerro de Pac 4 the company's agreement with the Ches Ohio 3a Federal Communications Commis- Chi Chrysler Pneu Corp Tool 2 2 sion to cut overtime rates on longClimax Molyb 1.20a distance calls. 'The telephone issue (luett Peabody 12 was more resistant than most had Coca-Cola 3a gested expected, the loss though, it was the Colum El 10 and Colgate-Palm-P or revenues by reduction offset Comi Credit 3 might be partly by Coml Invest Tr 3 36 expanding gross business. Coml wealth Solvents 13 The market was fairly broad, Com Congoleum-Nairn Edi 1a 33 816 individual stocks being traded. Consol Aircr Of these, 552 were up, 81 Consol Cigar Cons Coppermin 45e 183 unchanged.

Cons Edison 1.60 Secondary carrier bonds came to Consol Oil the fore. Grain futures slipped. Cont Can Cont Ins 1.60a At Chicago, wheat was off to Cont Motors of a cent a bushel, corn down to Cont Oil Del 1 16 25 lower. Corn Products 2.60 and hogs 10 to cents Cotv Inc Cotton was up 40 to 60 cents a bale. Crane Co 1e 54 In the curb, utilities were the Cuban-Am Sugar 11 liveliest performers.

On the ad- Curtis Cudahy Publishg Pack vancing side were Cities Service, Curtiss-Wright 1e American Electric Bond and Curtiss-Wr A 2e Share, and Niagara Hudson Power. Deere Co 1.35e shade in arrears were New Jer- 10 Del Hudson 9 sey Zinc, Pennroad and Aluminum Del Lack West America. The aggregate her was Dist Corp-Seag h2.22 3 225,830 shares versus 158,545 in the Dome Douglas Mines Aircraft 3e previous session. Dow Chem What Stocks Did du Pont de Advances Thursday 552 Wednesday 291 Declines al 230 Eastern Air 5 Unchanged 185 251 Eastman Kodak 5 total issues 816 El Auto-Lite 5 New 1942-43 highs 77 Elec Boat 1e 16 New 1942-43 lows 1 El Paso Nat Gas 2.40 4 Compiled by the Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 15 60 Firestone 9 Indust Rails Util Stocks First Nat Strs Net change A .8 Flintkote Thursday 1H61.8 19.2 28.2 42.7 Foster Wheeler H--New 1942-43 high. Freeport Sulph 2 Previous day 61.0 19.0 28.0 42.3 Week ago 60.9 18.8 28.1 42.

Elec 1.40 Month ago 60.4 17.9 26.6 41.3 Gen Foods Year ago 53.3 16.7 25.9 37.3 El 1942-43 high 61.8 19.7 28 4 42.7 Gen Motors 2 1942 low 46.0 14.4 21.1 32.0 Gen Ry Signal 1941 high 63.9 19.0 33.5 45.0 Gillett Sat 1941 low 51.7 13.4 24.5 35.4 Gimbel Bros 12 60-STOCK RANGE SINCE 1927 Glidden Co 16 1938-40 1932-37 1927-29 Goodrich (B F) 1e 13 High 54.7 75.3 157.7 Goodrich (B F) pf 5 1 Low 33.7 16.9 61.8 Goodyear 8 21 Dow -Jones Averages Graham- Paige Mot Net Gt Northn Ry pt 2e 16 Stocks Open High Low Close Ches. West Sug 30 inds. 120.86 122.00 120.63 121.79 Greyhound Corp 1a 47 20 Rails. 28.76 28.97 28.71 28.93 :0.18 Guantan Sugar 15 Utils. 15.58 15.77 15.53 15.70 10.24 Stocks 40.63 41.00 40.55 40.93 10.40 Hayes Mig 10 Bonds 92.13 10.32 Homestake Min 14 10 Higher -grade railroads 10.66 Houd-Hershey 95.75 10.50 10 Second-grade railroads 55.92 3 Public utilities 109.90 Houston Oil 10 Industrials 106.94 10.11 Hudson h2 Hudson Motor Transactions in stocks used in averages: Hupp Motor Today Wednesday Tuesday Industrials 76,900 54,200 71.300 Illinois Central Railroads 33.720 30.920 49,710 Inspirat Con Utilities 36.700 31.200 32.700 Iron 21 6.1 Stocks 147,320 116.320 153,710 Interlake Harvester 2a 30 Int Nick Can 120 Gallup Mining Int Int Tel Paper Tel 58 Stoppage Ends Johns-Manville 3 GALLUP.

N. Jan. 21-(AP) Kan City South A three-day work stoppage at the Kennecott Cop 3e Gallup American Coal Company's Kresge (SH) (SS) 1.60 1.15e mine at Gamerco was ended today. Kroger Grocery 2 In Santa Fe, Gov. John J.

Dempsey was informed in a telegram Lambert Co that "satisfactory arrangements" Lee Rub Tire had been reached to end the stop- Lib-0-F Glass Lehman Corp Earl page. The Stucker, telegram representative was signed of the by Lima Liggett Locomotive Mv 2 3a 17 -Belt 2 United Mine Workers of America. Lockheed Airc 2e Company officials said that a Loew's Inc 2a settlement had been made on union Lone Loose- Wil Star Cem Biscuit 3a 1 xd2 discrimination charges as well as Lorillard (P) 1.20e 10 an agreement to post notices to the effect it joining had a no union. objection to the Mack Magma Trucks Copper 3e 3 men Marine Midland 13 The governor had dispatched Marshall Field 14 Robert Doughtie, state com- Martin (G L) Alk Co Mathieson missioner, to sit in on the negotia- McKess Rob tions, and had expressed concern Mesta Machine "over the health and welfare of Miami Copper Mid-Cont Pet 1.40e the people" with regard to a threat- Montgom Ward ened coal shortage in this and other Motor Products 16 sections of the state. Motor Wheel .80 Murray Corp Earnings Earnings Nat Nash-Kelvinator Biscuit 52 NEW YORK.

Jan. 21-(AP)-Eastern Nat Cash Reg la Airlines. today reported net profit Dairy Prod .80 24 nf $2.050.316. or $3.57 a share. in the Nut Distillers 2 first period $883.169.

nine of or 1941. months $1.54 of a 1942. share, in compared the same with Nat Nat Nat Pow Lead Supply Lt 2nd Cotton Market Cotton Market Republic REPORTS received from the offered U. S. Bureau PREMIUM of place the premiums on as noted below.

Premiums were compiled at ton is actually sold, and lengths are described official standard of the United States. New Staples based on March futures. Strict middling 1 165 points on; 1 inches 250 625 Demand fair. inches. NEW YORK NEW YORK, Jan.

21-(AP)-Price Brown's statement that living costs a Priced rise helped stimulate trade buying in cotton prices closed 40 to 60 cents a bale higher. (Member 01 New York Cotton Exenange) Cotton Futures (Furnished By E. F. Hutton Co.) Galveston New York New Orleans Spot Open High Low Close Open. Close Middling 19.12 19.23 19.12 19.23 20.32 January March 19.63 19.73 19.61 19.73 19.91 19.95 19.59 19.47 19.58 19.73 19.80 May 19.47 19.49 19.34 19.47 19.61 19.68 July 19.34 October 19.21 19.34 19.21 19.31 19.45 19.53 December 19.17 19.28, 19.17 19.27 19.42 19.48 Cutter, Dairy Cows Weaken LOS ANGELES.

Jan. 21-(AP) (FSMN) -Cattle salable 300: cutters to common dairy cows around 50 lower: other few common 13.57: medium feeders classes largely steady; grades scarce; 12.35; medium heifers 13.00: common to low good cows 10.25-12.35; cutters to mon 8.50-10.00: canners down 7.25: medium bulls 10.75-11.25. Calves salable 50; steady; few common vealers 13.00-14.50; to medium calves 11.75-13.50. Hogs salable 600; 15-25 lower: bulk good and choice 200-30 lbs. 15.85-16.00: top 16.00; sows steady to 25 higher; good and choice 14.35-15.00; extreme heavies 14.10.

Sheep salable none; good and choice wooled lambs quoted 15.25 upward and ewes around 8.25. DENVER Salable and 450: calves: Salable DENVER, Jan. 21-(USDA) -Cattle; total 200; steady; load good heifers 14.50: medium warmed up odd lots 1.00-12.00: common 10 good cows 9.50-11.00: canners and cutters 7.00-9.25: good bulls 12.50; medium and choice vealers 13.00-16.00: good steer calves 14.00-13.00 flat; good heifer calves 13.00-14.00 flat. Sheep: Salable 3.200: total 3,500: few opening sales truckin lambs steady at 15.00- 10.25; few good yearlings 13.50; nothing 15.50: sizable lot medium caracul lambs done on carlots: asking fully steady: good and choice fed lambs held around 16.00. KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY.

Jan. 21-(USDA)Hogs: Salable 2.500; total 2.600: slow: 15 mostly 25 lower: top 14.70 sparingly; good and choice 180 lbs. and up 14.40-60; 140- 170 lbs. 14.00-35; Cattle: Salable and total 4.500: calves: salable and total 150: fed steers comprising liberal proportion of receipts; few scattered sales early unevenly steady to 25 lower: heifers mostly steady: other killing classes in light supply unchanged; stockers and feeders steady; early sales medium and good grade 1ed steers mostly 12.75-14.75; part load good to choice steers 15.00; few loads held upward to 15.50: 2 loads good to choice heifers heifers 12.25-14.50: 14.75; medium to and medium good common cows 9.50-11.00; odd lots good cows 11.50- 13.00: sausage bulls up to 13.00; good to choice vealers 13.50-15.50. Sheep: Salable and scattered total 4,500: slow: very little done: opening sales lambs steady to weak; no ewes sold early; few loads wheat pasture lambs and good to choice trucked -in natives 15.50; best held above 16.00.

Red Cross Group Elects Officers MORENCI, Jan. 21-Guy Strickland was re-elected chairman of the Morenci chapter, American Red Cross, at its annual meeting in the Longfellow Inn Monday night. C. M. Staples was re-elected secretary and Frank Carlock was elected treasurer.

Mr. Strickland, Mr. Staples, Mr. Carlock, W. C.

Lawson and Joseph H. Fairbanks are members of the executive board. The election was followed by department chairmen reports and discussion of chapter problems. A dinner preceded the business ses- sion. Semiannual Semester Examinations Given GLOBE, Jan.

21-Semiannual semester examinations were started the Globe schools yesterday continue through Friday of this week. it was announced by H. Stevenson, school superintendent. swereral written hundred students questions. are The anresults will be averaged with daily class work to determine the final figure showing what progress the student has made during the first half of the school year.

Speakers To Describe Red Cross Activities MIAMI. Jan. 21-The story the American Red Cross, especially its activities in Gila county and Arizona, will be presented by group of prominent men. A speakers bureau in Globe and Miami has been set Speakers include Edward W. Rice.

James Malott, H. E. Stevenson, the Rev. William Fulton, Judge Clifford Faires. Ivan P.

Hostetler and Dr. Nelson D. Brayton. Navajo Reservation 1942 Rainfall Light WINDOW ROCK. Jan.

21-Precipation over large part of the Navajo Reservation in 1942 was les. than half that of 1941, a comparison of the records shows. In 1942, only 9.58 uninches fell, while in 1941 the 21.38 inches. In only four years since records were kept, starting in 1920, has there been less moisture than in 1942. The year also saw the lowest temperature recorded since 1937.

when the temperature fell to 17 degrees below zero. In 1942 the thermometer fell to 13 below. Highest temperature recorded in 1942 was 95 degrees. This was exceeded in only four years. Poultry And Eggs POULTRY BUYING PRICES Furnished by C.

Redford and Soni Hens. white. 3 to. lbs. Hens.

white. over lbs. Hens, colored, fat. to Ibs. Hens.

colored. to to 6 lbs. Fryers, white. 2 Ibs. Fryers, white, 2 to 3 lbs.

.30 Fryers. colored, to 3 lbs. .30 Fryers, colored, 3 to 4 Ibs. Roasters. soft bone, 4 lbs.

and over Stags Old roosters Guineas, young Geese. young Old geese Young ducks, white Pekin, 5 to 6 ibs. .20 Young ducks, white Pekin. 4 to 5 lbs. Old ducks Capons Squabs.

over 1 lb. each Turkeys, prime young hens. 20 ibs. Turkeys. prime young up Young toms.

under 20 Ibs. Turkeys. prime voung toms dressed. 18 lbs. and uD Turkeys, old toms.

No. 1 Rabbits. old .07 Turkeys. Rabbits, old young. hens.

No. to lbs. 3 EGG MARKET REPORT Phoenix Ares Furnished By The Arizona Farm Bureau Federation Fresh Large Medium .52 Large 41 .47 Medium .39 Small .37 Small .30 Prices paid producers by retailers for eggs candled and graded to conform to the requirements of both the Arizona egg law and the U. S. grades and standards.

LOS ANGELES EDITOR'S NOTE: The Los Angeles Produce Exchange announced today there will be no quotations of poultry prices during the next few days. LOS ANGELES. Jan. 21-- (UP)-Butter No. 1 U.

92 score, 48: No. 2 U. 91 score, No. 3 U. S.

90 score, No. 4 89 score. 461. grade Large A eggs: No. No.

1 3 grade AA No. 2 grade 44. No. dirties 46. No.

5 dirties 39. checks 39. Medium eggs: Grade A 45. grade 40. dirties 44.

checks 37. Small eggs: grade A grade 35. dirties 34. checks 30. Miscellaneous eggs: Ungraded 48.

wees 28. Cheese: Triplets 27, Longhorn loaf CHICAGO CHICAGO, Jan. 21-(AP) -Poultry; 12 trucks: firm: unchanged. Butter, receipts firm: prices by the Chicago price current are unchanged. Egg.

receipts steady to firm; prices unchanged. Government graded eggs, white. loose 50. carton 52. Dividends CHICAGO, Jan.

21-(AP) -Directors of John chain. R. today Thompson Company restaurant declared a dividend of 20 common share, payable Feb. 10 to stockholders of record Feb. 1.

In the 15 same cents quarter of 1942 the company paid a capital share. Navajo Appear In Newsreels the famous DISPATCH driving and and take away Laws Outdone facilities to a citizen denying that he has violated is to out suntroduce congressbody--never of law permitting withhold ration does not mean or that it can it will forbid and that it can definition of what that no executive a penalty unin the law itself In fact, the atthe United States, -under "that pres-ruled no could of itself preAnd the attorthat the broad usually contained vesting authority rules and be necessary to purposes of this title other authority -does of new pen- Are Illegal power," wrote the "to make regulaeffect any parnot carry with create offenses or for violations (U. S. VS. Eaton.) cannot, by his or amend a law.

to regulate the to carry into has enacted Penalties are of the legisbe created by but must be by statute Board Mail SteamCalifornia: WestJones -Indiana; vs. the above reasto the recently by executive were limited was ordered retreasury, even though passed no revenue a rate of tax- Agencies Execute of government been that congress that the execumerely executed has always been congress would not statutes all the deleave these to the But until reassumed that agencies, would penalties unmeanings from the amounting to the passing new legis- where parliamenexist, as in CanBritain, the execuheld strictly acthey do. hein the interpreparliament, the turned out of the acts of the officials. The exdepartments one and the same thing. Congress Should Curb In America, however, there is no way to hold executive agencies responsible for violating the the letter spirit or Once in a whelaws of congress.

a result of public furor, a top official resigns. but the damage he does cannot be undone and the violations of law! cannot thus he prevented. If the abuse it of power grows, may he necessary for congress to do ing so that administrative offia little bit of who are found guilty of cers in; nevond the letter strayof statutes will he subject to fines and imprisonment or other when they disregard of penalties acts conof ETeSS or seek to deprice the citizen his rights proceeding through property lawful without procesa. power Congress, of course. has all the to stop the abuse of the citizen's rights, the of penalties through executive imposing der or regulations ormight well come a subject.

of further inquiry the representative system of government is to be maintained. Bank, Trust Stocks of 373 Man. Shal 173 19 of 289 209 Eryn Tr Tr 384 Cen Han 62 66 Chase Nat (1.401 (4) 30 Commercial 181 1.80) 178 401 186 Com Ex Bk Tr 134 Empire Tr 1 2.40) Nat Natl Bos) (2) 40 150. Tr 1260 1290 1121 242 247 60 123 Trust 801 1170 1220 Counts 26 anuuf'rs Tr Tr nf Sat City 411 Trust Wool Market market Jan. 21 -The Boston BOSTON, small of was quiet Thursday.

A few Australian wools the were higher of spot cents below made at grease prices a allowed. Difficulty maximum prices space from South in getting shipping restricted trading in Montevideo before Buenos April and activity NEW YORK. Jan. 21-(AP)-Lack of reflected the another Boston market here slow Trading session in repre- wool to commission house switching from in the other end December with interests pound Grease on sales futures advanced cents of transaction hizher. wool of 93.5B.

futures pounds. 1.5 cents 6.000 tops futures grease wool spot 91.0N. Certificated a cent closed unchanged to lower. May 117.2; July 116.5B; -Nominal. tops 120.0N.

Certificated High Low 415 41 26 20 17 55 10 10 76 27 19 12 22 21 21 183 39 39 21 20 21 130 461 45 47 47 2 32 49 49 28 28 13 12 35: 35 35 15 15 28 10 10 22 22 16 15 85 82 85 27 34 36 35 36 41 35 92 17 27 26 18 11 29 41 41 26 541 16 8 12 12 10 10 33 2 22 58 58 134 134. 134 137 137 1481 147 31 31 313 11 24 26 261 164 161 11 11 36 35 455 61 16 16 25 25 84 843 26 26 26 15 34 33 34 104 23 23 23 57 5714 10 70 301 30 27 27 32 35 4 35 18 18 27 2 68 44 381 29 11 11 24 24 15. 27 27 34 10 17 16: 201 26 26 15 15 61 Exclusive Dispatch EconomCOTTON which cotwith the middling 20.35. points on; 1 inches Prentiss inevitable today and Sales Close Hds. High Low Nehi Corp Newport Indust 74 12 20 Shipbuilding 3e 21 Central 1g 87 No Am Aviation North Amer Co 1.34f 29 Northern Pacific 1g 18 0 55 Ohio Oil 20 12 10 Oliver Farm Eq 2e 18 Otis Elevator le 8 Owens-Ill Glass 2 57 19 Pac Gas Elec 2 Pac Lighting 3 35 35 Pac Tin Cons 18 Packard Motor 24 3 22 Pan Am Airways 1e Param Pictures 1.20 39 Parke Davis 28 Penney (J C) 3a Patino Mines 21 Penn 32 Pepsi -Cola 124 31 29 39 Phelps Dodge 1.60 42 25 Phillips Pet 2 13 Pitt Ser Pressed Bolt 8 Steel Car 24 Procter Gam 2 Pullman 1a 28 Pure Oil Purity Bak 1.55e Corp of Am 166 3 Radio pt Reming Rand 12 Reading Co Repub Steel 31 Reynolds Met Reynolds Tob 1.40 12 27 Safeway Stores 3 3 35 35 Savage Arms Distill 11 Schenley 1e Sears Roebuck 3a 14 Servel Inc 1 Shell Union Oil 1e Silver King Coal Simmons Co 17 Skelly Oil 29 11 Sou Cal Edison 22 Southern Pacific 1e Southern Ry Sperry Corp 20.

27 3 Spiegel Inc Brands 37 Stand Oil Cal 28 Stand Oil Ind 10 28 28 Stand Oil N. 1a Stewart Warn Stone Webster 8 Studebaker Corp 45 Sunshine Mng 83 Superior Oil Swift Co 1.20a 24 Swift Intl 2a 12 Texas Co 2 32 Texas Gulf Prod Texas Gulf Sulph 2a 7 37 Tex Pac Trust 27 Tide Wat A Oil 10 10 Timken-Det Axle 29 Transamerica Trans West Air Un on Carbide 19 80 Union Oil Cal 16 15 Union Pacific 6 83 United Lines 19 Aircraft 3e 28 United Corp United Drug 7 Unit Fruit 3 68 United Gas Imp 52 6 Gypsum 2 60 60 Pipe Indus Alco Fdry 1a 2a 13 12 32 31 32 tan Sm Rubber 1g 21 511 50 26 88 Steel pf 7 4 Vick Vanadium Chem Corp 2a 13 17 Vultee Airc pl 21 21 Walgreen Co 1.60 21 Warner Bros Pict 13 Wesson 0 191 West Auto Sup 1 West Union Tel 2 Westing Air Br 17 West El Mng 4e Westvaco Chlor 1.40 Wheeling Steel 19 White Motor 10 14 Willys-Overland Wilson Co Woolworth (FW) 1.60 32 Worthington 17 17 Yale Towne 3 Yellow Tr Co Youngst Sh 31 31 SALES Total today Previous day 518,340 Week ago 681,570 Year AgO Two years 465,180 Jan. 1 to date 11,123.552 Year 8.634,390 Two years 9,896,130 New York Bonds New York Stock Exchange NEW YORK. Jan. 21-(AP)-The market today rallied briskly over a broad front which placed large numbers of rails.

industrials and utilities at their highest levels in the past year or longer. A strong demand for low- and mediumpriced carrier obligations early session touched off a sustained buying move which affected virtually every tion of the list and was going ahead without signs of tiring at the close. Activwas much faster than earlier week when profit taking brought indecisive performances. Sales of $15,195.200. ti par value.

compared with $10,204.500 aav before. Three of the major groups in the Associated Press averages posted new 1942-43 peaks. They were the rails at 67.3. up of a point. the industrials 104.3.

un and the low -yields (high-priced) group 313.3. up .1. The utilities held stationary and foreign issues dipped a little. Ending with gains of full point more were. among others, American Foreign Power 5s at Atlantic Coast Line first 4s at Central Pacific, first 4s at Chesapeake and North Western general mortgage at Four' at Florida East Coast 5s at International Great Northern adjustment 6s at Missouriansas-Texas 48 at New York Central convertible at 701.

New Haven 4s at Pacific Telephone 109. St. Louis-Southwestern 5s at Southern Pacific refunding 4s at Modest progress WAS shown in foreign department. Australia 5s. Brazil 8s.

Canada 3s. Copenhagen and Costa Rica 7s were among those vancing. U. S. governments kept firm footing throughout the day on the stock exchange and in outside markets.

BOND AVERAGES Compiled by the Associated Press 20 10 10 Rails Indust Util Foreign Net change A.S A.1 Unch D.1 Thursday H67.3 H101.3 99.8 56.5 Previous day 66.5 104.2 99.8 56.6 Week ago 66.6 104.0 55.6 Month ago 63.7 103.7 98.0 52.9 Year agO 63.9 103.5 100.3 44.1 1942-43 high 66.9 104.3 100.6 56.6 1942 low 59.4 102.6 93.6 41.5 1941 high 66.5 105.4 102.2 51.4 1941 low 58.3 102.9 98.9 38.0 10 LOW YIELD BONDS Low yield H113.3 H--New 1942-43 high. Week ago 113.1 Prev. day 113.2 Month ago- 112.5 Year Ago 112.7 1942-43 high 113.2 1942 low 111.7 1941 high 115.1 1941 low 112.1 Sales In Hds. High Low Close 345 66 55 3 108 108 109 108 555 Del 4s 48 55 95 11 114 106 1133 114 106 Line 1st 1st mtg 48 48 32 st 71 644 8934 64 64 0 95 st A 65 36 35 361 Beth St1 52 1044 Certain- ad 48 95 94 95 Chi Gt West 4s 88 71 71 CMSP Pac 5s 75 421 2037 20 2016 cv 44 49 38 414 CRI 52A 138 23 CRI rig 48 34 284 21 Hudson Coal 5s 62A 15 43 423 Int Hydro El cv 6s 44 2 43 431 Int Paper 5s 47 1031 M-K-T 1st 48 90 32 427 421 423 M-K-Tex 4s 62B 58 361 33 261 Pac 5s 77F 125 391 39 391 Mo Pac gen 4s 75 154 1414 Nat Dairy 60 3 1061 NYC rig 5s 2013 541 NYC 2013A 49 Nor Pac 4s 97 Pac 61 11 11 11 Pen RR gen 5s 68 Sou Pac 68 Sou Pac S1 543 So Pac 69 127 So Pac rig 4s 55 279 So Pac cit 48 49 86 So Pac 46 82 95 Un Pac 1st 4s 47 13 109. 108 3 109 Western Un 5s 51 90 FOREIGN BONDS Brazil 88 41 Canada 4s 60 1081 Chile 6s 60 asd Cuba 45 111 111 Desert Grapefruit (Furnished Weekly by the Grapefruit Administrative Committee) For week ending January 16, 1943.

U. S. No. 2 and better grades, $23 per ton on growers' trees. Clone 12.

57 35 26 31 61 12 35 174 30 161 281 31 471 323 28 61 164 80 83 28 141 bond the sec- this the .8 at or and at in WINDOW ROCK, Jan. 21-- Corporation part Paramounewsreel pictures playing of in the war effort, especially as it relates to helping soldiers and sailors. Among scenes taken were those Indian women assisting the Red Cross, members of the Navajo unteer service helping the United Service Organizations in making and putting into packages articles for soldiers, views of Indian women handing out magazines and other articles to men in the armed ices passing through some of the cities along the Navajo reservation. Pictures also were taken of hogan from which one of the soldiers now in Uncle Sam's forces came, that of Jim Sherman of Twin Lakes, whose son served with the troops at Bataan. These newsreel pictures will he shown at theaters throughout country to stress the loyalty of the Indians in the war effort.

Livestock Sale Gains Sharply ALBUQUERQUE, N. Jan. 21 (AP)- New Mexico's livestock marketings reached an estimated 759,331 in 1942, -an increase of 13 per cent over the previous year, the New Mexico Stockman reported today. If the value of heifers and ewe lambs, retained on the ranges for breeding purposes, had been ineluded, the industry's total production value during the year just ended would exceed $70,000,000, 800. the stockmen's official publication stated.

The gain was attributed to a combination of higher prices and increased marketings. Cattle sanitary board figures showed slaughter and feeder cattle and calves shipped in 1942 totaled 669.487 head, compared with 588,407 in 1941. Sales of lambs, ewes, bucks and goats for 1942 totaled 881,630 head, compared with 733,781 the previous year. Hearing Waived In Murder Case FRY, Jan. 21-(AP)-Roosevelt Jones, colored civilian residing here, was bound over to the Cochise County Superior Court yesterday when he waived preliminary hearing before Roy Rambo, justice of the peace, then first murder case on record in newly created justice precinct here.

Jones is accused of shooting his wife to death Tuesday night a pistol. The shooting occurred, sheriff's officers said, near the north gate to the military reservation of Fort Huachuca. Officers said the cause of the gunplay has not been determined. Two other colored civilians, Voyce Jones and Edward Granberry, are being held as material witnesses. Jones' bond at $5,000.

The three men were removed to the county jail at Bisbee. Mesa Woman's Last Rites Set Jan. 21-Funeral services for Mettie Noble, 78 years old, who died yesterday afternoon at the home of her son, William P. Noble, 264 West Second street, will be held at m. Friday from the chapel of the M.

L. Gibbons Mortuary, with the Rev. G. Edwin Osher in charge. A native of Emporia.

where she was born 31, 1864. Mrs. Noble came to Mesa in 1923 from Portales, N. M. Besides her son she is survived by one daughter, Mrs.

Gertie Park, Casa four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Pallbearers at the services will be Fred Patterson, William Kellis, Jack Robertson. Earl North, Wesley Jones and Don Thomason, all of Mesa. Events Today In Valley Cities MESA Townsend Club, 7:30 p. of Stewart, 257 West Second avenue.

Senior Woman's Club, 12:30 p. club building. TEMPE Red Cross work meeting, 9 a. m. to 4 p.

legion home. Dixie chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, luncheon meeting, 12:30 p. home of Della Wimberley, 511 East street. Box social. 7:30 p.

First Christian Church. CHANDLER American Legion Auxiliary, 1 p. legion hall. Tempean's Rites Are Arranged TEMPE. Jan.

21-Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret E. Cox will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday in the chapel of the Carr Mortuary.

The Rev. Clarence C. Gobbel, pastor of the Church of Christ, will officiate and interment will be in the Double Butte Cemetery. Mrs. Cox, 70 years of age and a native of Alabama, died at her home here January 15.

She has been a resident of the Tempe vicinity for approximately 20 years. She is survived by her husband, Ira J. Cox; three daughters, Mrs. Gensch of Tempe, Mrs. Eva Parnell and Pauline of Phoenix; and three sons.

Henry Womble of California and Bob and Woodrow Womble of TEMPE, Jan. 21-Forrest Edward Wills of Globe died in a local hospital yesterday after a prolonged illness. He would' have been 30 years old February 3 and was born at Clarkdale. His body will be sent to Globe for burial, and services will be held in the Jones Funeral Home in Globe Saturday. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; two sons, Jimmy and Bobby, and his mother, all of Globe; three sisters, Lonnie and Opal of Globe and Edith of Carlsbad.

N. two brothers, Lloyd of Globe and Velmar of Phoenix. Canyon Roads Kept Open GRAND CANYON. Jan. 21-The park ranger force has been assisting in keeping the trails on the Grand Canyon rim open with the aid of a horse-drawn snowplow.

Phoenix. Globe Resident Dies In Tempe Hospital PUBLIC Every Morning and Sunday Established 1890 PHOENIX I GAZETTE Every Established Weekday Evening 112 N. Central I Ave. Man A ARIZONA PUBLISHING COMPANY 0. Hos 1950.

NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Decertain conditions, other cause may chance Its size, content, manner delivery, subscription price time. The right to reserved. Individual subscription made in period for which vance. Protection term and -subscription will be those SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE Per Per Copy Copy One Three Daily Sunday Me. Mes.

papers $2.05 $5.25 $10.50 Republie $.05 $.10 1.15 3.00 Gazette .05 LOCAL ADVERTISING RATES on weekdass in Republic and Gasette An. Insertion consists of one publication same date, en Sundays in Republic Ads received before m. win properly classified. After appear under Late a and thereafter under classification. These newspapers are responsthle for more than one Incorrect lasertion of any advertisem*nt.

Per Word 50 Per Insertion No discount for time or space: cash with order, minimum charge 25c. Contract rates en application. ADVERTISING INDEX Apts. for Rent 17 Misel's for Sale Auctions or Exchange Autos for Sale 31 Misci's Wanted Autos Wanted 30 Money Wanted Bus. Chances Money to Loan Card of Thanks Monumente City Property Nursery Stock for Sale Obituaries Country Property Pasture for Rent for Sale Personals Deaths and Pet Stocks Notices Supplies E.ducationai Real Estate Exgs.

Poultry for Sale and Supplies Exchange Fruits Found Prodace Room Wanted and Board Flowers Real Estate Furnished Houses Salesmen Wanted for Rent Male Female 47 Furnished Rooms Situations Wanted for Rent Male Help Wanted Situations Wanted Male Female Help Wanted Special Notices 63 Female Stores and Offices Help Wanted for Rent 26 Male Housekeeping Female 51 Soburban Property Rms. for Sale 104 for Rent 20 Summer Homes Land for Rent 25 for Rent Livestock and Trailers for Sale 3 Supplies Transportation Lost Freight Machinery and Transportation Equipment for Passengers Sale 34 Trucks for Sale Meeting Notices Unfur. Houses Misci's for Rent for Rent 15 Misel's for Sale 35 Wanted Rent PHONE your ads-3-1111 Southside Office, Mesa. Phone 341 Northside Office. a Glendale.

Phone 426 Weather Reports THE MOON'S PHASES FORECAST FOR PHOENIX AND Jan. 20 Last VICINITY: Feb. 4 New Occasional rain today Feb. 11 First and this evening. Feb.

10 Full It's Great To Live In Arizona! Today. Jan. 22, 1943: Sun rises 8:29 a. sun sets 6:31 p. moon rises 8:15 p.

moon sets 9:10 a. m. (All times. War Time. Phoenix City Office Weather January 21, 1943 Highest Highest same temp.

date last 62, deg. year Highest same date last 46 yrs. Lowest temp. 42 der. Lowest same last vear Lowest same date last 48 yrs.

24 deg. Total rainfall Total precip. since Jan. 1 in. Defic.

of precip. since Jan. 1 in. Normal precip. Jan.

1 to date Special Weather Reports Data for 24-hour period ended at 6:30 p. Jan. 21, 1943: High Boston Brownsville Albuquerque 3 Chicago Denver Detroit El Paso Kansas City Miami -St. Paul New York City Ocala. Fla Oklahoma City PHOENIX PHOENIX AIRPORT Pittsburgh PRESCOTT St.

Louis TUCSON Washington 38 Precipitation amounts under 0.10 inch are not published. FELTON, Official in Charge, Phoenix U. Weather Bureau. Mesa YMCA Opening Set MESA. Jan.

21-A branch of the Maricopa County Young Men's Christian Association will be established in Mesa February 1, it was announced today following a meeting of club representatives at the Golden Mesa Tearoom. Alfred Knight, Phoenix, executive in the Phoenix association, and Martin County chairman, explained the program will be carried out in Mesa, and announced J. V. Root will be secretary here. Mr.

Root has been serving chairman of the Tulare County, Young Men's Christian Association the past year. A graduate of Kansas State and Washington University, he has been associated in this type of work for a number of years. He will arrive in the valley this week. L. Erwin Stapley, who presided over the meeting, appointed a committee to serve with Mr.

Root in establishing the branch here. They are Rulon T. Shepherd, Fred H. Patterson. P.

W. Guerrero. Walter Evans. Earl Recker, Mrs. Joe bitt.

William Menhennett. the Granville D. Edwards and the Rev. G. Edwin Osher.

Agricultural STAPLE prices at to conform Orleans inch 115 points on; Administrator slow but futures Death 'Claims Gilbert Woman GILBERT. Jan. 21-Mrs. May Hill, 48 years old, died malorie day morning at her home east of Gilbert following a short illness. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of the M.

L. Gibbons Mortuary in Mesa at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning, with the Rev. Gene Dowdle of the Baptist Church in The Chandler wife officiatiffin of Gilbert, she came here two years ago from Quinton, Ark. Besides her husband, she is survived by four sons, Ross Hill, who is in the U. S.

Army, Jimmy, Gerald and Billie Jean, all of Gilbert, and four daughters, Mrs. Reba Morris, Mrs. Chloe Ryan. Bertha Kate Hill and Georgia Hill, all of Gilbert. Interment will be in Mesa.

Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.