The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 5 3 1 TWENTY THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: THURSDAY, MAY 28: 1925 New York Stock Exchange Review; Latest Industrial and Financial News MOTOR SHARES HOLD SPOTLIGHT IN MARKET; 12 REACH NEW LEVELS Market Summary a Date. Wednesday: Stock 20 Market 121.50 121.98 Industrials. Averages. 20 Railroads. 102.39 102.91 Week ago 122.35 102.01 Tuesday 4...

High, 1 1 1 1925 126.10 104.68 Low. 1925 114.31 96.13 Total stock sales 1,576,400 shares Bullish Operations Feature of Curb Public Utility Issues. Soar; Chrysler Motors Continue to Climb. NEW YORK. May Revival of bullish operations on a large scale in the public utility issues featured today's strong curb market.

National Power soared nearly, 20 points to 326 and then dropped to and Commonwealth to Power 170, closing jumped just more bethan 10 points low the top, net gains of 1 to 2 points were, recorded by American Light Traction, American Power Light, Electric Investors, Lehigh Power Securities 'and Northern Ohio Power. Chrysler Motors was again standing feature in the 'Industrial group, jumping more than 6 points to record, top over at 3 points to 31. Kelvinator and Chapin-Sacka advanced 2 points to a new high at 37 but canceled its gain on profit-taking. Universal Pictures advanced a point to 27 on reports of expanding Victor 1 points to 76. Interest or in the radio Machine was again in supply, dropping shares was divided between an advance of in Thermiodyne and another Jump of nearly 3 points in David Grimes.

Oils displayed a firm 'undertone, Humble climbing nearly 2 points to 64 and most of the other active issues fractionally. Boston Market High. Low. Close. Agr Chem 20 20 Am Agr Chem pt 5'5 55 56 Am 12 Am Pneumatic 3 Am Tel Tel 5 Am Wool 38 38 Am Wool pt 80 80 Amoskeag 75 70 4 Anaconda 38 38 Arcadian Consol 5-16 Arizona 101 Balt Ohio.

Bingham Boston Mains Nairie pt Boston Maine. pt B. Boston Daire pt Boston Maine pt Boston Con Gas pl 6c Darnedall rte Barnsdall A 248 Boston Elevated 2d pt 97 Boston Elevated 80 Arizona 48 48 Calumet Calumet Hecla 13 Chi RI Cities Service Cities Service pl 63 Connor J.T Consol Continental Gag 88 87 Copper Range East Mfg 5 6 Mass 36 35 East Mass adj 43 43 43. East East Masa pt 53 69 6314 Last 8 50 51.14 East 1st pf 03 93 93 Edison Elec Illin 1212 Elder Corp Fisk Rubber 1st General Electric 283 General Elec special General Motors Gillette Razor 67 674 Greentield Tap Die Hood. Rubber 54 54 64 Hardy Coal 30 Interboro Trans 191 Island Creek.

128 Jaland Creek pt Kennecott 50 Loew's' Theaters 11 3 Maine Central pf. 82 83. 83 Masa. Gae 71 71: Mass Gas pi 64 64 Mayflower-Old Colony Mergenthaler 178 Mexican Invest 13 134 Miss Riv Pr 48 Mohawk A Nat Leather New Cornelia 19 18 Co Milis pr. 33 Tel Tel Y.

IL New 'York Cen. Sec pr Nippissing Olmp Theaters Pacific Mills 58 58 Pacific Oil 69 59 1 PaD-Am Pet 81 80 81 Park City 6 5 Pond Cr Poch 11 11 Prov Wor 130 Quincy Reading Land 85 31. 85 31: 30 14 and: St Mary'8 Shell Un Oil-. 35 25 Sin Con Oil C1 31 Studetaker. Swift 'Co Swift Inter 25 25 25 Texas Co 48 48 Un Drug 1st 56 55 Un Fruit 213: 213 Un Shoe Mach 421 Sec 265 .26 Rub 1st 101.

100 100 U.S, Smelt. 36 36 36 Steel 118 118 Utah Apex Utah Metals 51 51 Ventura Oil .33 Waldorf System Wal Watch .18 Wal Watch pr 34 Walworth Mfg Warren Westla El Willys 000ver BONDS. Liberty Est. Liberty: 4 103 03 1C1.4 Nd Liberty 101.4 30 Liberty. 101.20 101:22 4th, Liberty Cht' Junct 46 86 Mass 59.

19 Kendall Mills 98 98: Mass Gas 9644 96 Miss Tel Riv 59:32. 100 100 1001 Pr 56..... 99 NET 63 (100 Swift 53 1100 100 Boston Curb Market. Iligh. Low.

Close. Ahumada 46c 43c 900 450 Pac 6,: 6 Alamos 9AC Gagdad Silver 50c 30c Alaska 45c Chief Consolidated 1 Cons Coppermines Canario Erupcion Eureka Smelting 11 First National Gadsden 47c 46c Iron Cap Copper Juno 460 43c 45c Ga Rose 450 440 460 McKinley 210 C6c 37c Ohio 87c 85c 87c 20c Fathe A 61 Petite Shea Copper 10c 10c 106. So NE rte 6 5 Tono Mining 3 Torchlight: Verde Central 5 Verde Walking Bank Director Dies. RUTLAND, May 27-Edmund R. Morse, director of Boston Federal Reserve Bank since it was formed, died Tuesday after an operation.

He was 67 years old. Mr. A Morse was president of Vermont Marble Company of. Proctor, Vt. 1 1 1 Closing Quotations on New York Stock Exchange.

Sales. High. Low. Close. Net.

Abitibi PI 69 100 Adams Exp 95 93. 95 3400 Ahumad Col 134 2100 Air 105 1037. 1300 Ajax 400 Alaska Junea. 39600 A1 Chem 92 3600 1600 Am ('h. 2200 Am Ag

100 Am Kret Sug 40 100 Rt Bug pr 84 84 600 Am Bosch M. 331 100 Am Rk 8 104 15800 Am Can Can pr 119 119 2500 Ant Chicle 63 Am Chicle stf. 61 6014 300 Am Drug Syu. 61 400 Am 1000 Am Power. 35 Pow pr $91 200 A ctf.

600 Am Hr Lth. 13 2200 Am 1 pr 400 Am Ice Int LA Fr Linseed 100 Am Linseed pre 300 Amer Loco Am Loco Am Metal 48 Radiat 15001Am Sat RAz. 61 1000 Am Ship Comi Am Smelt 200 Am. Smelt 109 1700 Am Steel 39 Am Sugar 63 63 1001Am Sug pr 97 97 97 Am Sum Tob 700 Am Tob pr. Tel 40 m3 Tel 900 Am 96 1000 Am Tob 951,1 95 95 1001A Tob 4 1041 200 lAm Tyre foolAm Fdy 4100 Am Wat 6nn! Am 6s 105 Wool Anaconda 100 Ann Arbor 304 300 Archer Dan 100 Arch pri 1200 Armour 400 Armour pr P31 1900 mold Const 100 800 100 'Asso lAsso Artloom Dry oil Co 1 99 99.

Assoc 4100 Atchison. 100 Atchison pr 95: 400 Bir Atll 400 Atl Coast 400 A 45 1001A I prl 44 ReAning 109 Atlas Austin-Nich 100 Auto Sales Baldwin Balt Arndl Co 900: Co 19. 41000 rts cal J.64 100 Rayuk Cigars. 407 Beechnut Pk Reth Steel 404 40 00 Reth St1 951 9511 11000 Briggs 43 43 Beth St1. pr112 100lRklyn 'Edison.

136 1361 2300 Tran 44 1001R-M Tr pr 78 700' Un Gas .90 A 8 Brown Shoe. Col. cot 100 Burns Bros 8 Bush Term n. 15 100 Rush 74 deb 100 Bush T. pt 1101 100' Butte 5 5 Butte Sup 9 1200 Cal Pack 3400 Cal Petrol :1: 12100' Petrol rt a Petrol Ariz: Ifecla 6001Can Tac Thresh 33 100 Case Thr nt 80 1700 Cent 13 19 6400 Cent nt, 1.64 62 400 'Tent J.

.1306 .1300 1306 Cer de Pasco 49 48 47 6000 Chandter Mot 37 351 his Ohio 98 07 9 300-Ches Oh pf. 111 300 Chi Alton Alt pf 3800 chi Or 13 Chi Illin 3 Gr. Wes pt 8900 Chi St St 9 14400 St pI 15 13 Chi Nor'wes 57 Chi. No'w pf Cales. High.

Low. Close. Net. 100 Chi Pneu TI 934 1900 Chi 46 65 pl 871. 871 4no "hilds Co 53 531 2200 Chile Cop 341.

2100. Coca-Cola 11117 Fuel 39 33 30 400 South 62144 63 63. So 1 pt 81 6900 Gas El 6671 100k'ol El pf 109 1109 1109 100ltol Carbon 48 48 48 com Solv 87 87 15000 3000 0600 soniConsol Consol C'onsol Congoleum Gas Dist. CIgars 88 6 41 27 5 200 Textile 3 Contin Can 66 65 36 torn Contin Prod Mot 31 38 33 01 100 'rex Carpet 19 49 49 3600 100 rug Sti Sti pf 400 Cuba Sug 12 11 13 56 1400 61 Am Sug 09 03 son Cuban Dom 8 20 'udaliy Park 071 frt 64 1. Davison 33 Jud 159 2800 Del Detroit Edison Dodge.

Bros A 15100 Dodge Bro pt 140 Dome Mines 300 600 Dupont A 1166 1165 de 800 Fast Kodak 9000 Baton A 19 19 41000 1. rtf 35 34 3412 1300 40. WI 105 105 1600 pt 1107 106 (106 Si 2100 Stor Rat 65 66 100 Elk JI pt 19 19 10 100 Em Brant pt 8. 8 1000 Endicot- John 70 63 69 100 Erie 1100 Arte 14t pt Erie 2d pi Fairbanks 6200 Fam Playera 300 Fam Play 3:00 Fed Fed 17 :000 8 55 51 55 Fisher Body 691 63 3600 Fisk Rubber 1616 400 Fisk Rub pt 95 95 96 Flieschmann 85 85 16 200 Foundation 100 Frank pt. 900 Freeport Tex 15 900 Gardner Motor '11 100 Gen Asphalt 56 56 Baking Gener 1800 Gen Electric: 1284 Elec 11 Gen Motor 78.

100 Gen 6g deb 93 93 100 Gen is pt 3500 Gen Petrol 53 300 Gen Refract 46 1300 Gimbel Bros 200 Gimbel Br. pt 104 900 Ginter Glidden Co 900 Goodrich 53 4800 Goodyear Goodyear rf 105 Gt North pt 67 Nor Ore S' 28 1300 Gt West Sugar 98 Sug re 110 '100 Greene. Cop Mo Nor 30 301 No pt 96 95 :100 Gulf- St Steel 86 100 Hanna A pt 63 63. 1600 HAV Mec Ry 1354 133 3 3600 Hav CI Ry 6200. Hayes Whorl 39.

200 Hocking 1134 600 Son' Houston: Household oil Pral 35 60 7: 69 600 Hud 31 Hudson Motor. -4100 Hupp Motor 07500-Independ 2500 Ind Motocycle 19 300 Indiana Ref 10 Rand 200 Inland Steel 100 Inland Steal pf 109 Inspir Copper 23 300 int Ran Tran 191 300 Inter Arricul 13 11 400 Int Bus Mach 103 8000 Inter Combust Cement 39 100 lInt Han Int Har Co pt 3300 Int Mer Mar. 8 4600 Int Mar. pl 5:00 Inter Nickel Inter Paper 1300 Int Paper 'pf 100 Int Rys CA 8100 Int Tel Tel 200 Int T. 10g lewel Tea 4 100 Jones Tea fordan Car 1st pt Kan' 'South Sales.

High. Low. Close. Net. Ian Sou -pt 59 59 69 300 Kayser 38 14 28 700 17 600 Kelly-Spr 68 pl 55 54.

56 1700 Kelly-Spr 88 pfl 54 53 64 3600 Kennecott Cop 50 50 600 Keystone 300 Kinney 83 85 tro0 Valley 80 2100 Loews. Inc. 28 300 Lorillard 35 600 300 $00 100 Loft Laclede My Candy Loco Gas Tob 169 63 617 8 169 110 61 61 63 63 613 8 100 horillard pr. 110 110 1800 400 Lou Louis Oil Nash. 187 110 300 Ludlum StI 37 87 100 Mackay pri 67 Mark Truck 184 100 Mark pr 1041 4100 Macy 85 85 1800 Magma Cop 41 1- poo Mallinson Col Man Mod 42 41 1000 Shirt, 200 Manila: Elec'.

1000 Mar pri 63 51 A 000 Mar St 10 14100 Marland. Oil 43 44 Marl Rockw 21 3400 Mart Parry 1200 Math Alk 81 700 Max Mot 114 20600 Max Mot 98 Mex A ctfs. Max 98 3500 May Dept St. 121 200 Crory 91 91 M'Intyre 17 2 4700 Mex Sea Oft. 16 15 15 9 9 9 SIR 1700 Minn 3 3 5300 St Oil 600 Mid St Oil pri116 at 3900 Mid Con 100 Mid Cont 91 91 91 100 SE 8.

af 331 35 1400 A 36 34 5001M T. 83 2100 Pacific 4200 Mo 22500 Mont Power 86 6300 8300 Moon Montg Ward Motors. 62 51 63 600' Motherlode M. 1500 Nat 17. Suit.

71 2200 Motor, Wheel 100 Nat Biscuit 6 66 200 Nat Acme 5 6 Mot Cori 125 351, CANO Nat Datry Pro 56 67 4400 Nat. Dept 43 2600 Nat Distillers 35 000 Nat. Distil pr. 67 2no Vat En 100 Nat. COON pr 300 Nat Supply 641 500 Nev Con 200 A 521 52 2400 Central.

L. pre 91 300 T. Dock. 400 I Dock 67 6300 HI 34. TO 25 Ry Power 65 65 -1100 900 Nor Nor South West.

33 33 33 3a00 No Amer 200 Nor Am 50 Cent 60 6400 Nor. 66 65 65 4800 Otis 400'Orpheum Steel 400 Otis St 11809 OwnS Rot con Owens M. pr 600 100 Pacino 11 Pacino 69 17900 Pack Mot Car 100' Packard MI pr 27200' Paige -Pet Mot Pan-Am. Pet 11800 Pan.Am 81 109 Panhandle, 1600 Park Third 23 100 Penn 1400 Penn 8400 Penn Sca St 200'Pere Mara 6 4 100 Pere prior 200 Pete Marq pr 69 800 Phila Co 100 Phil Co 68 pr 2100 1500 Philip Morris Phillips Petrol 43 85100 Pierce- -Arrow 22 10900 Pieree- Ar 69 Pierce1700 Tierce Oil 300 Pierce Oil pr 36 36 .:600 Pierce 500 Pitts Coal Coal pr 100-Pitts Ter 37: 600 713 t. New York Curb Market Quotations INDUSTRIALS Sales.

High. Low. Close. 2400 Adirond Pow. Lt.

81 colAdirond Po It 104 104 300 900 Am Am Gas Haw 8 E1 new. 53 83 8 54 82 8 At Light Trav. 168 166 14 168 600 Am: Light Tracer: 100 100. 100 1500 Am Pow Lt new. 631 61 63 Am Pow Light pr 89 Superpower Superpower 33 3716 37 38 31 33 300 Am prior.

pr 25 1. 25 7401 Assoc 'das new 34 32 333 1000 At1 Fruit 91 94 94 900 Borden 100 Botany Con Mills 46 45 800 Brit Am. Tob Coup. 100 Brit An Tob 2800 Brooklyn City R. 8 8 2410 Buffalo Gen 66 64 66 1800 Am 'Rayon: 31 31 Dry 53 62 Bras Tr 54 200 Bridgeport Mach 80 Can Dry Gin Ale A 127.

100 Can Dry Gin' Ale 127 9700 Chrysler Corp 105 99 105 100 Curtiss Aero Ben ctf 33 33. 35 Elert Auto Gabriel Snubbers 261 100 Habirshaw El Cab 8 18 350 Kraft Cheese 66 600 Nizer Corp A. 44 2300 No States Pow war 30. 30. States Pow pr.

18 98 08 1.8 98 Power. Secur 300 St Regis 54 200 Schwartz 17 17 100 Am Chicle 53 53 1000. Am Chicle ris wi. 380 38 38c Botany Con Dills, 30 29 100 Bucyrus pr 1109; 1109 109 500 Cent Teresa SUE' 43 43 C400 Car Light 5 Caro Power Lt. (400 401 00 Centrifu Pipe Corpl 15 15 15 560 Chapin Sacks 37.

33 35 300 'Sons, Cleveland, Auto :0 Edison rts. 138 138 4185 Common T'ow Corp 170: 158 3 163 Common I'ower. pr. 84. 75 84 1625 Common Pow war.

76 70.14 500 Con Gas El 424 6600 Cont Bakeries 26 1409 1200 Bakeries pr. 97 97 97 Coty. 'per 44 191 44 191 200 Curtiss A 100 Curtiss per. ct pr. 73 73 200 Da Forest Rad ctfs 25 Del.

L. Die 14 R. new 15 15 800 Internat 281 1100 Duraut Motors 15 100 Duz- Co 16600 Elec Bond new 75 60 Elec Bond, Sh. pr 104 104 100 Electric Ry. Sec.

15 15 12300 Electric Investors 407 55 2100 Eureka Pow Lt 501 497 200 Federated Metals 33 317 33 70 Ford Motor Canada 475 475 241, Goo Franklin Mfg Co 241 000 Freed Eiseman. RC. 100 Freshman Co Chas, 11. 1 J1. 500 Gen Outdoor AdvA 451 45 46 200 1 1100 Gillette Sal Ra new 6774 6716 4500 ear Tire 31 18 29 31 17 Grennau Bakeries 15200 Grimes.

Rad Cam 000 Happiness C'dySt A 6 600' Happiness Cdy Fda Hazeltine Corp 17 SON He den Chemical Horn Hardart 53. Rub: 9 Inter Conc Ind 12 Inter. Utilities A 37 8900 Kelvinator Corp AS 31 300 Landover Holding Lehigh Pow. Sec 125 14001 Lehigh Val. Coal.

Co 100 Lehigh. VI Coal Sis 63 83 500 Lib. Radio Stre 620 Mengels Box 591 56 69 1060 Middle West Util 30 Util pr'In 105 100 St Del 34 :1100 Biotion Pictures 1. 54 18 Master. Corp 13 13 3020 Nat- Pow Lt 336 396 40 Nat Ira Ca 297 396 20 New Jersey Zinc.

185 75 N. I. Tel prd 16200 Ohio Elec 360 Nor States Pow 100 Omnibus Corp 'Oppenheim Collins 25 Pathe Exchange A 61 100 Pet. Mik 102 1600 Power Corp' N. TE.

49 49. Pratt A Lambert Ing quotations: July, 17.92; 16.10; 15.90: 15.15; 14 14.85; Spot coffee March, 14.50. steady; Rio, 78 20 to, Reports of Record tion and Increased Earnings 3 Groundwork for Advance. MAXWELL ISSUES FEATURE IN SALES Public Utilities Also Take on New Lease of. Life; Car Loadings Aid Rail Shares.

NEW YORK, May Strength, and activity of the motor shares, a dozen: of which broke through to new high levels for the year, was the outstanding feature, of today's irregularly higher stock market. The day's sales again totaled about a million and one half shares. Reports of record breaking produce tion and, largely. increased earnings provided the ground work for the advance in the automobile stocks, which was led by the Maxwell issues. Maxwell.

barbor Motors. large which, was interest, reported was run up pearly 8 points to a record top at 106 and then slipped back about 8. point from the high. The certifcates closed 543 points higher at and' Maxwell A and the A certiAcates advanced 2 and points, respectively. The stock had sold as low as 334 this year.

Revival of a demand for Mack Trucks sent that' issue up more than 4 points to a new peak at Other automotive issues to top their previous high prices were Pierce-Arrow preferred and prior preferred, Studebaker, Hudson, Paige-Detroit and Eaton Axle, buying of the lastnamed being stimulated by a resumption' of dividends on the common stock. Public utilities also took on a new lease of life, International Telephone leading that group by climbing near-, ly: 10 points to a record top at. 100 on publication of the annual report showing earnings of $18.11 a on the common stock last year as. compared with $8:40 in 1923. Amerrican Water Works moved up to a new top at and then eased a point on profit-taking.

The establishment ct 2. new 1905 record iri car loadings for the week ended May 16 stimulated the demand for the railroad shares with the best gains being recorded by the coalers. Reading climbed points to a new top at and net gains of a point or more were recorded by Baltimore Ohio, Chesapeake Ohio, Dela6 ware Hudson. Lackawanna and Missouri Pacific preferred. Oils showed moderate strength, with a continuation of heavy buying In Independent Oil and Gas, which closed a point higher at Most of.

the other oils improved fractionally. Moderate improvement also was shown rate them standard industrials, American Can closed more than a point higher at and Baldwin and United States Steel showed fractional gains at and 118, respectively. Several specialties were under accumulation. new 1925 highs being established by Allied Chemical. Ahumada Lead.

International Cement, Consolidated Cigur, Simmons Company. F. G. Shattuck, Robert Reig and Goodyear preferred. Heaviness "cropped out in States Industrial Alcohol.

American Agricultural Chemical preferred, General Baking, International Business Machines, May Department Stores, National Distillers and Reynolds Tobacco E. Marine preferred broke a new low for the at 7 money again held steady at per cent. Time nioney and commercial paper rates. were unchanged with business Foreign exchange rates were irregular. Demand sterling held fairly steady, just under $4.86, but French francs broke below 5c to a new low record for the year.

Reports persisted that the French government was planning to. francs at 100 to the dollar. Drygoods Market. NEW YORK, May 27-Cotton goods and yarn markets were quiet today. There was an active call for silk and cotton printed crepe and printed broadcloths for immediate shipment, which were scarce in first hands for spot delivery.

Raw silk markets were firm, late months showing advances, reflecting higher prices being paid for cocoons by silk reelers. Local wool markets were steady, with business light. Worsteds yarns were firmer. Silk goods continued active. Linens continued to show moderate improvement.

Dividend Omitted. NEW of the YORK, May: Consolidation Coal Com- Directors pany today omitted the regular quarterly dividend of $1.75 a share on the preferred stock, due at this time. Payment of common dividends recently was suspended. TIFFT BROTHERS Members New Tork Stock Exchange Our Weekly Market Letter contains an analysis of 5 The Southern. Pacific System We will be pleased to send a copy on request Third National Bank Building Springfield, Mass, STOCKS bought commission.

and Cash or margin. Ask for our weckly letter. HUNT, ELLIS CO. Members Consolidated Stock 3. Exchange of N.

Y. F. A. HUBBARD. Mgr.

289 Main Springfeld Sales. High. Low. Close. Net.

Refin 274 47 2714 4600 Pub SC NJ 71 200'P 89 pr 114 Pullman Co Al Sug 40 40 3300 Pure Oil 29 28 28 Radio 56 55 120 It Sec Sec cash' 74 8 Ry Sti Spg 600 Ray Con Cop 12 22800 Reading 2100 Reading 2 pr 4 2 2800 Reading 1 Pr 39 300 Reading rts 13600 Rels Co' 20 100 Rem pr. 1200 Replogle St 1100 Rep Iron St 200 Rey Spring: 13 1500 Rey Tob 300 Rey Tob pr 200 Rossla Insur 92 3100 Roy Dutch 51 51 800 Rutl'd pr 69 61 500 St Jos Lead 61 51 61 6900'St 0001St 1. pr 83. 85. 2200 Savage Arme 641 64 Sw 481 49 2900 Scabd A 311 111 33 111 200 Seabd A 45 200 Seagrave 14 1300 Sears- 169 64 1 1100 Shattuck 58 3400 4000 Shell Sinimons oll Co 43 4 25 4 1 200 Co pr 103 103 103 2000 Simms Petrol 21 9800 Sinclair Con 21 20500 Skelly Oil 300 87 87 200'SI-S I pr 93 93 93 2000 South Pacific Sou Su 71 68 71 3 9500 South Ry 92 100 South pr 86 86 100 Spear Co pr 91 91 914 300 Spear 23 A 2000 Spicer Mfg 22 21 100 Speer Mfg 104 7800 8td Gas Ne E1 63 52 53 600 (7.

ur 54. 64. 6000 Stew -W 6pd 70 68 3900 100 100 400 8 Std std Sterl of of Oil Mill Prod 117 63 43 591 43 65 85 Strom Carb 72 72 46600 Studebaker 100 subm Bt 3000 Super. oil 100 Sweets Co 380 16 17. 1400 Tenn.

10 101 14500 Texas Com 7900 Tex Gulf Sul. 10714 2100 Ter 52 3600T 600 Tide Wat 144. 2300 B. 1200 Tob Prod 81 8014 3200 Transcon OIl 100 Ta In City' TO 70 10 1000 Under Type 43 43 300 Un. Bag P.

57 65 55: 500 Union Oil 1600 Un Oll of Cal 38 4 :000 Union. Pacifc. Pae pr 300 U'n Allay 36 100 Cig St 300 Untt Drug 100 Un. Drog 1 55 300 Unit, Fruit 100 Unit Inv pri 5400 I Distrib S. Hoffman: 33 Ind Alc.

93 1:00 Im. 140 8 Rubber 4001U 8 100 6 Her. 44 36 Smelt 41000 Steel 400 8 Steel 125 Un Pip 38 3500 P. S1 tali: 88 88 500 Vanad Cor 29 900 Chem. Tool -Car pr.

16 100 Va Ry Ch R. 1103 1113 A 900 vivaudou 300 Vivaudou 1-16 1-16 2900 Wabash 28 2600 Wab pr 6.7 66 60 Wald System 16 16 2700 Ward Bak B. 50: cool Ward Bak pr. 100 1700 West Md 100 West Md cool est: Pacific 41 500 West 138 136 West Tac pr. 91 3 500 Weston El.

13 400 West. I. 23 32 West Air Brk ins West Mfg 500 400 Wh Th Eagle I. E. Oil SEE 4200 White Mot 69 1500 Wickwire rtfs.

23200 Willys-Over 1100 Wilson Co 53 100 Wilson pr 4700 Woolworth MI 83 pr Bi 66 Wrigley right Jr 263 25 53 Coffee Futures Gain. NEW YORK. May 27-Coffee futures recorered today a good -part of yesterday's decline owing to' reports of steadiness in Brazil and renewed covering or trade buying. 'The opening was 7 to 15 higher. Active months sold 63 to 39 points above VASterday's closing prices.

July advancing to 18.00 and Sept. to. 16.32. The close was several points off from the best under realizing, the general list showring net advances of to 50 points. Sales were estimated at 51,000.

Clos- Bid and asked prices of local securities at yesterday's meeting the Springfeld Investment Brokers' Association were as follows: BANKS. DIv. Bid Asked Chapin National: 8 160 Chicopee National 13 240 Springfield 'National 13. 265. Spfld.

Safe Dep. Trust 385: Third National 320 Union 'Trust 485 City National, Holyoke. 140 Hadley Falls Trust 160 Holyoke National 148 Park National, Holyoke 132. First National, Westfeld 160 Hampden Weettield 8 166 First Nat'l Northampton 140 Northampton 435 First '10 176 Franklin Co. Trust First National, Amherst 8 160 Prod.

So. Deerfield A 120 North Adams 8. 130 North Adams Trust 105 Greylock National 310 Morris Plan, Springfield 8 155 PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS. Amherst Gas 6. 93 Amherst Water Company: 8 115 Bircham Bend Company 12 210 Greenfield Electric Light 10 185 Holyoke Street Railway 45 Holyoke Water Power 460 470 Mt.

Tom Railway 6: 50 N. E. Power pf 6 SpAd. Gas Lt. (par 23) 3 Springfield Rys.

pt 43 Northampton Street By. 6 30 Turners Falls 137 United Electric Light 335 345 INDUSTRIALS AND MISCELLANEOUS. Berkshire Cotton 137 143 Bigelow Hartford 6 103 106 Bigelow Hartford 100 107. Bowles Lunch Inc pt 102 Chap, Valve Valve Mfg. MIg.

Co. com 101 18 Chap. pt "'hemical Paper pi Con. D. Cds.

com (no par) 381. Consol. Dry Goods pt 98 3. (rocker McElwain pt 99 Draper Corp 142 Eaton, Crane Pike pi 103 Farr Alpaca 160 Fiberloid Co. pi 93 The Gamewell Co com (no par) 89 Greenfeld Tap Die Greylock MIlls Haydeaville Co Hodges Carpet Holyoke Paper Hoosa: Cotton pl Indian Motocycle Co pt Ludlow MIx.

Associates 1 160 Lyman Mills. 125. Milton Bradley Co 104 National. Equipment com Nat Equip pt (par 50) $5 85 Pack. Meh, com (par '50) £5 Package Machinery 93 Smith Wesson 54 SpAd.

Fire Marine 415 430 Strathmore Paper 75 Strathmore Paper pf 6. 27 com 145 U. Envelope pf 100 West Boylston Mtg: com West Boylaton Mfg 03 Westfield Mfg com 35 Westfield Mfg pt Extras. American Insulator Serial Gold Bond' Issue LOCAL SECURITIES F. R.

Sawyer Co. of Boston in conjunction with Peabody, Houghtel. ing New York, are issuing 'today (closed) mortgage 7 per cont serial- gold bonds. of the American Insulator' Corporation. The bands are due annually up to 1935.

Insulator Corporation is largest producer in the United States of molded insulation. The plants. located at New Freedom, and 'Danbury. are valued at. $350,545 by the American Appraisal Company.

Earnings available for interest, do preciation and taxes for the last three years have averaged annually $145,959 which is nearly seven times the maximum annual interest requirements on this issue. Current earnings are excess of last year. The bonds are offered at prices to yield 51 to 7 per cent. Foreign Exchange. NEW YORK, May 27-Foreign exmand, 4.80⅞; cables, 4.86 5-16; changes: steady.

Great Britain: Deday bills on 5.01⅓; banks, cables, 4.81⅝. 5.02. France: Demand, 3.97½: cables, 3.38. Demand: Belgium, 1.9516: Germany, 23.80; Holland, 40.14; Norway, 16.87: Sweden, 26.73: Denmark, 18.80: Switzerland, 10.35: Spain, 14.50; Greece, 1.75: L'oland; Czechoslovakia, 2.96¼; Jugoslavia, 1.68; Austria, Rumania. .47: Argentina, 40.63: Brazil, 10.50; Tokio, Shanghal Montreal, 100.

New York Produce. NEW YORK, May 27-Butter easy: receipts 12.488. Creamery higher than extras 043: extras score) 42: firsts (38 to 91 Eggs casy; reccipta, 38,413. Fresh gathered extra firsts, storage packed, Potatoes, firmer; New York old per 180 pounds, 3.00@2.04; Maine, 2.25 South Carolina, per bbl. 5.00@ 6.00.

Cabbages, stronger; Virginia, per crate, 3.00 3.30. Clearing House Statement. Clearings and balances at the Spring-' field Clearing House May 27 compared with the corresponding day last year were: 1935. 1924. Balances 62,656 38,161 Clearings $922,301, $167,875 TORK.

May 27-Exchanges, balances, $105,000,000. BOSTON, May 27-Exchanges, balances, $23,000,000. A. 5: CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT CO. (A Massachusetts Corporation) Cum.

Pfd. Shares Annual net earnings cqual to five times, dividend requirements. These shares are Tax Exempt in Mass. Price 95 and Acc. Dir.

to Yield Over 7.25%0 INVESTMENT Seubolt OR National Bank RuUding SPRINGFIELD, The arcrage Amcrican citizen when he looks at his dollar immediately risualizes what it will Buy, which is probably the chief reason why more people do not save It is only one persou in a thousand who looks at his dollar and sees in it an opportunity. for Safe Investment with a steady return in interest throughout the ycars. Many far-sighted individuals realizing the truth of these statements continue to invest their savings in Bonds recommended by Harris, Forbes Co. HARRIS, FORBES Co Incorporated Springfield Ofice Third National Bank Building Percy O. Dorr, Manager INDUSTRIALS.

Sales. High. Low. Puget Hound 68 58 58 200 Purity Bak 45 46 45 Purity Bak 38 38 38 2300 Motor Car 00 19 19 100 Serv-El Corp 1014 10 400 Silica Gel P'rod cuts 1914 19 13 1500 Southe Pow Lat 90 95 South Cal Edis 109 CO South pid 3000 South Ir 6c 5c 100 Standard Motors 6 200 Stand Publishing 6900 Stutz Motor 10 Swift Co Too Swift International 05 1800 50 Tenn Tenn El El Pow Pow. 2 pid 69 83 65 3 1000 Thermiodyne Rad Thompsoin Rad etfs 6 7 -400 Tob.

Prod Expts 3 100 Tulip Cup. 16.. 300 Union Carbide 691 60 69 1400 United El new. 4600 United. Lt Pow A 69 68 1500 United Pront Shar 100 Heat pid 800 Universal Pictures 07 1000 Uttl Pow de Lt 28 1950 Virtor Talk Mach 79 Rad.

Corp 2300 Warn Bra Pic A 17 Western Power 62 501 White Rock 38 37 700 White Rock ctfa 38 37 37 100 Wilson Co new 13 13 00 Wilson new 29 23 Wilson Co pt 70 70 STANDARD OILS. 200' Anglo- Am oil 23 Chesebrough Afg 10200 Oil Cumberland' Pipe 146 46 20 Galena Sig Oil pt 104 104 104 8300 lumble Oil 5800 Imperial Oir Can PO 331 50 Illinois Pipe 140 Internat Petrol 270 Magnolia Petrol 150 Nat Trans 33 Traus 61 61 600 Ohio Oil 68 68 2:00 Fratrie Oil new. 53 90 Prairie Pipe 121. 20 South. Penn Oil 169 163 7300 Std Oil Indiana 671 6714 Std Oil Kansas 300 std Oil Kentucky 10 Oil Nebraska 248 348 1100 Std Oil New York Std Oil Ohio 353 Std Oil Ohio pt 119 119 119 1:00 Vacuum Oil 89 MISCELLANEOUS OILS.

4300 Am Marac 8 1200 Arkansas Nat Gas Synd 4900 Cities Serv new 38 Cities Serv ctis 18 2500 Colombian Synd 3 Creole Synd 300 Derby Oil 5 5 700 Euclid Oil 300 Gibson Oil 2 $000 Gulf Oil 673 500 Kirby Petrol 3 Lago Petrol 5 400 Marland Oil Mex 200 Mexican Panuco 75 75c Mountain Prod New. York Oil 11 Peer Oil Pennok Oil Corp 25 100 Red Banks Of 30. 30 30 2200 Royal Canadian 90c 300 Crown Cent Ret 12 Reiter 23 soul Oil wi 36 36 Cont Oil Field 54 3 64 :300 Ryan Consol 5 4100 Salt Creek Prod 27 Tidal Osage no vot United Ceutral Oil Venezuelan Petrol Wilcox Oil 600 Woodley Petrol. 6 6 4 Oil Gas 50 50. MINING.

3000 Arizona Globe 23c Canario Cop 5 3600 Chino Ext 200 Consol Cop Min Cortez Silver 90 8c 400 Pason Gold 4000 Divide Ext 2c 1600 Dolores Esperanz 50c 60c: 500 Engineer Gold Min 48 Forty- Nine Min 26 Hawthorne Min 18 Hecla Min Hollinger Gold Min ...00 Jerome. Verde Div Kay Copper MINING. Sales. Iligh. Low.

Close. Kerr Lake 88 Valley 41 100 New Cordelia pissing 100 Ohio Copper 880 2000 Parmac Porcupine 32c 31c 32c Premier Gold 3-1613 3-16 Amer 2000 Stan. Sily-ud 20c 17c 10c Spearhead 7c Extension 800 Toro Mining 16-16 1000 US Contin 9c 9c' United Verde 25. 1000 Unity Gold 80c Utah Apex 6 4400 Wenden Cop Min. fond! West End Cons 250 56c 26c, 100 Tukon Alaska 161 15 DOMESTIC BONDS.

Packer 88 91141 Packer 1 Aluminum is 1 Aluminum 78 '33. 38 Am Gas El 68.... C3 Am Pow. Lt 39 Am Pow Lt 6s n. 98 971 Rolling Mills 3 Cosgrove M.

CI 6 97 Ga El 101 6 Transcon Tac 69 O11. 7s. 1014 10144 Sum' Tob 93 93 33 Copper 69... 83 Sim Hdw 6 83 4AtI I 5s. 63 69 2 Reaver Board 91 93 Tel of Can 99 93 Beth Strel 7.

40 Cities Serv', 78 1110 Serv. 18 101 6 Cit Serv'88 26 Cit Serv 93 00 10 Con Gas Balt ICon Gas Balt 12 Gudahy Pack Edison, 31 Dunlop Tire' Fed Lt. Tract, 6s.1 Fed Sug 68 '33. 95 6 General Pet 6 Grand Tck 1088 11081 46 Gull. Oil 53 39 64 Int Pap' Co 65 Kan' City Term 5 beh pow Sec 5.

2 3 Lib' Morris McN Co 78. 103 1103 LIb 03 103 411N Pub Serv' 93 1 Nor StE Pom 6 104. 104 104 No Pow ert 6 118 115 118 18 Ohio Power 58. R. 95 57 Oklahoma 58 95 94 95 OIl -68 Penn Pow.

581 98 6 Penn P. 59 D. 97 -1 El fig Pure Oil: 6 102 102 102 7 Shawsheen 79. 1101 101 5 Shef 1102 102 1'So Cal Edison 58.. 96 $6 9644 54 Stand EI 6 139 40 10 Stand 95 4 Sun Oil.

98 98 98 30 Swift Co 96 96 96 RE 5 Union Oil. Cal 59.. 95 95 1. BU Rubber 3 8 Rubber 101 102 Rubber 8 Rubber 4 8 101. 101 1 Rubber 100 100 Rubber 99 09 99 8 Rubber 99 8 Rubber AS 6 4, 8 98 98 A Rubber 6 98 98 08 Rubber 6 98 97 08 12 8 Rubber, 98.

98 8 Rubber 98. 98 8. Rubber 6 8 98 97 971 1 Tacuum. Ol1 78 105 105 7 Webster Mills 98 98 FOREIGN. BONDS.

sicity Bogota 89 94 94 City Graz 89 98 98 98 Est France 7al 54 84 3 French N. 83 8214 ca Indust Bk Find Ty 94 King Denmark 99 99 99 3 Krupp (Fried) 78. 93 93 I Russian 14 14 14 Jalsk 73 98 98 98 15 Siem 'Halsk 78 '35 96 96 96 103 103 3 59 1001 13 93 93 90 93 Ga Tho. El Pow 78. 91 3 roll Hydrol Nat Corp 68 City of Oslo Total of 423.000 shares.

Total; sales of; bonds, $1,318,000. 5 a Now Issue $300,000 American Insulator Corporation First (Closed) Mortgage Serial Gold Bonds Dated April 1, 1925 Due Annually up to 1935 Principal and interest payable at The Loan and Trust Company, New York City. Re deemable in reverse order of maturities at par and accrued interest, plus premium of of for cach year or fraction thereof of the unexpired term of the bonds so redeemed. Interest payable without deduction for Normal Federal Income Tax, not in excess of Payment of Pennsylvania and Connecticut 4 Mills Tax, Maryland Personal Property Tax not in excess of 415 Mills, District of Columbia Personal Property Tax not in excess ofi5 Mills, and Massachusetts Income Tax up to refunded on request. BUSINESS: Largest producers in United States of molded insulation.

Products, marketed under trade names of "Aico" and "Amerine" used extensively in the manufacture of electrical appliances such as plugs, switch parts, handles, parts for automotive starting and lighting systems, radio parts, also ufacturers of hot molded products called "Bakelite." 3. PLANTS: Located at New Freedom, Pennsylvania, and Danbury, Connecticut valued at $530,545, based on appraisal by American Appraisal Company. EARNINGS: Available for interest, depreciation and Federal Income Taxes have averaged $145,914 or nearly 7 times the '1 for the last three years maximum annual interest requirements on this issue. Current are at a rate in excess of last year. SINKING FUND: In addition to the serial maturities of this, issue, a sinking fund based on the net earnings (to be defined in the mortgage) of the corporation will be applied each year to the purchase of bonds in the open market, at prices exceeding the current call prices, or to redeeming bonds in the reverse order of maturities.

i Woofer those bonds when, as and if issued and received by us and subject to the approral of counsel. Prices, according to maturity to yield to SheF. R. Sawyer Co Incorporated Investment Securitics 45 Milk Street Boston, Mass. At Al statements in this advertisem*nt are based upon information which though not guaranteed.

we regard, reliable being the date upor. which we ourselves have acted in our purchase of these bonds. 4 I..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.